What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

We all saw how choirs came together over the internet during the worst of the pandemic; here is an exceptional one, following the theme of musical therapy. It must be argued that all the collaborations that have grown out of recent times serve as therapy at various levels. In this case, however, there is a real medical benefit obtained. Those who struggle to speak find they can sing... I confess this one caused the use of a paper hanky or two. Old softy... now, the singing takes a while to arrive (fittingly, perhaps), but please listen all the way through.


  1. That was beautiful and to top it one of my favourite songs too!

  2. that is so touching and so wonderful.... like our wold could be... if we had more of such events and uch more people with the heart at the right place...

  3. Hi Yam - so uplifting ... and so brilliant to see. Thanks for directing us towards the Aphasia choir ... such joy seeing them so happily singing along to 'a wonderful world song' - cheers Hilary

  4. I have never heard this word, I took the time to look it up before I listened. It is truly amazing that they can not talk well or process well but can sing so well.. it is uplifting. a man in our church had an accident that took his peaking voice to a very high pitced screech when he talked. people often made fun of him when he talked, a great big man sounding like a tiny girl child. but when he sung in the choir, his voice went back to his deep bass and singing he sounded exactly like he always did. music is healing

  5. It has always amazed me how music knows no barriers. One of my favorite Country singers Mel Tillis stuttered when he spoke but when he sang...he spoke perfectly and vocals were perfect pitch
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Beautiful. Now I am wondering if Erica could sing what she is trying to say. namaste, janice xx


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