What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menootanabootery; Could A Birthday Get Better?

Turns out it could! As Aitch mentions in her own post about her trip, there were to be bird sightings that I had longed for all my years here - and finally, it turned out there were entire flocks of the SISKINS! On resettlement in the Bonny Land, I had been given to understand that these were elusive wee things... and, indeed, I had not until this very time seen more than a couple of them. Which went against the apparent 'green status' given. However, on the geocaching day out, we spotted some as we left Jubilee point, and I got just a tad excited. I only managed one really decent photo, though.

There were a couple of Robins flitting about, too, but also many Chaffinches...

As we drove back into Dunoon from our Kilmum visit, I asked Aitch to stop at the Holy Loch layby, where there is an information board I have always meant to read for myself - and there was a geocache for us to find! Reading the info board - beyond all the bird details with which I was familiar, I learned two historical facts that had escaped me till now...

The quest for the geocache also caused me to look wider than the picnic point, for I had not realised there was a community garden hidden in the woodland to the side (not Broxwood). A very decent path was laid out, and the cache proved to be quite close to the start of the thing. Having notched that one up, we decided we would like to wander the path further and see what it might reveal. 

Well!!! Turns out there is a bird hide at the end, with feeders and views to satisfy all comers. (The view back to Kilmun you see on Tuesday's views post was taken from here.) To say I was almost squealing with excitement would have you believe my birthday marked three years and not plus sixty! Truly, a toddler treated with a toy might not have been as thrilled... I am easily entertained. As a life-long birder, though, it has been so long since I had decent bird watching (over the endless numbers of gulls and pigeons seen from the Hutch's windows). To be blessed with a friend who was willing to indulge my need to sit for half an hour and revel in the antics of the Siskins, Chaffinches, Great Tits, Blue Tits and Robins... well, it amounted to having icing on the cake and eating it!!! The only thing that would have made it any better would have been the appearance of some wading birds - but we were 'between shifts' for that. 

Suffice to say I had a birthday to remember! After two days of lengthy outings and no small amount of walking, my limbs and back could certainly feel the effects, but there was a depth of joy that acted as a salve. 

Aitch had to depart on the 27th, but not before we had a lingering breakfast/brunch, starting with fruit and yoghurt and culminating in a vacon and banana with scrambled eggs plateful! Had to make sure my pal didn't faint on her long drive home to the cottage in the close!

Next week is FFF time again!!!


  1. Over the legal limit of birds? Not quite.

  2. I would LUV that bird watching!

  3. Our local high school mascot is a badger.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Lovely Birds pics. Greetings

  5. I, the Tigger, am salivating. F says " bad cat" but I'm programmed that way. We'll have our own birdfeeders again soon but we got nothing so interesting or varied as that - mostly sparrows and blue tits, occasional chaffinch and some robins. (And loads of wood pigeons that didn't need supplemental feeding.)

  6. that was interesting about the wrecked ship... and we love the birds...

  7. Siskins are such pretty birds. Rare in England but a relatively common delight in Scotland.
    The photo of the great tit with a seed in his mouth is a great capture.
    A wonderful birthday indeed.
    Cheers! Gail.

  8. Hi Yam - it does sound as though you enjoyed yourself ... so pleased for you both and such fun to see great friends enjoying themselves ... your photos are brilliant - a delight ... and I hope you can get back to the bird watching area fairly often in the future and see the wading birds. Blessed waters indeed ... a delightful area - great post - thank you - cheers Hilary

  9. Wonderful photos, maybe we can go back tomorrow at a better shift time for the wading birds. With a flask of tea and some snacks.

  10. I like yellow birds best of all, they look like joy, the little red one is a close 2nd. I am so happy for you that you found all those birds to watch on your birthday. even better to be with a close friend.. when I hear of stories like the Holy Loch, I always wonder if the soil was sacred, why did the ship sink? why were they moving sacred dirt to a cathedral? isn't it supposed to be on sacred ground? I could go on but you know how my mind works

  11. The birds are just beautiful!

  12. YAM what a spectacular birthday you and and to share with a dear dear friend made it most special
    Thank you both for taking us with you.
    Hugs cecilia

  13. What a perfect birthday filled with so much beauty...especially the birds!! I have to say, I could sit outside all day long(in fact, that's where I sit now) and watch our feeders!!

  14. Sounds like a perfect birthday.

  15. It sounds like you had a perfect birthday outing. We enjoy bird watching and are lucky to have quite a few different birds that come to our backyard feeders and baths.


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