What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSunday; Life Lived Lovingly

Meditation defeats most people. Sitting thinking over all the world's woes, or one's own is not meditation. Pondering the finer points of any philosophical point would be considered contemplation, and can certainly yield benefits to the thinker, but this again is not meditation.

When one sits to meditate, it is with the intention that this will be the endpoint. All else leading up to that point is only rumination, observation, contemplation, cogitation... and often agitation!

Meditation is the point reached where all thoughts are suspended and one sits in awareness of consciousness but oblivious to all else. Including the flow of mind. If one has developed the ability to meditate purely, it can be done quickly and in any setting. For most people, though, until the skill is developed, it is conducive to have peaceful surroundings, minimal distractions, and any pressing tasks dealt with. If all external factors are settled, all that remains is to wrangle with oneself...


  1. A lucid, yet succinate, description of what can be a challenging topic. Quite lovely.

  2. The world seem so large in your art piece.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Having never been tempted to pursue meditation I'm curious to know your thoughts on how one goes beyond the cogitation and possibly agitation stage and what benefits you find it confers.

  4. Hari OM! The image is spectacular!

  5. Hi Yam - I've never been able to get used to meditating, though it sits in my head!! I'm happy with where I am at ... and yes Life should be Lived Lovingly ... cheers Hilary

  6. I find that comforting, that you think many are defeated by it. I certainly am. I've taking courses, too! I like my forest bathing, though. It is peaceful, and fun with Cinnamon! (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  7. I spend the majority of my life in cogitation/agitation and meditation would be a relief, aint gonna happen. I also don't hink I could be hipnotized. my mind never shuts down

  8. I have not master this. If only I could clear my mind of all the clutter, with a simple click of the delete button
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. It's like dieting in some ways; don't give up because you gave in to a thought (or a cake) just acknowledge it and continue with the process. Like everything with genuinely useful outcomes it takes dedication, or persistence, and lots of practice. That makes it not popular in an instant gratification culture.

  10. A lovely piece of artwork to illustrate the thought.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.