What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; Saturday Sayings

"No act of kindness, 
no matter how small, 
is ever wasted."



  1. There are days when I'd take some convincing of the truth of that. Perhaps it only applies to acts of kindness that are wtnessed by another being. Acts of unkindness and destruction attract way more attention, have wider and more lasting effect and although perpetrated by so few in reality but with such devastating effect on the lives of so many, that they outweigh the kindnesses of the many by such orders of magnitude that I despair of and for humans.

    1. Hari OM
      The witness is the one in receipt of the kindness. The world doesn't have to know about it for it to have had the effect intended by the giver of the kindness... Yxx

  2. Hi Yam - so so true ... every little help adds up - and can bring a smile - yet another happy place. Have a lovely weekend - Hilary

  3. you are right about the person who recieves the small bit of kindness. a simple SMILE can help a person through all the STUFF Tigger is talking about. I remind myself to speak and smile to every homeless person that crosses my path. I remember the homeless man that told me that people never speak or smile at him, but walk past or around or away from.

  4. A simple smile to a passing stranger can change their day!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Kindness ROCKS! May all your kind words and good deeds come back to you! Thanks for visiting us! Marv and Barb

  6. Kindness we all need to practice it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Sorry to have not been visiting. Sister declining everyday. Taking a toll on me. Namaste, janice xx


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Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.