What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

Hari Om
Gurudev's words hold so much worth for us to think about even decades after he uttered them. The same might be said for any similar sentiments framed from their own context by the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela... 

All too often, such messages hit only the ears of those who are prepared to hear, the already converted, as it were. The strength and value of any message can only truly be measured by how many it reaches who are on the opposite side of its meaning and whether they decide, from its impact, to reach across the divide and make a positive change. That is not to say such quotes lack value for those already onside. These confirmations and affirmations serve their purpose, then, as prods, supports, and reminders not to give up the struggle of living life in a state of Love and Light. They provide anchors so that we do not slide away in despair, even if there is despair within the message itself.

This message is today as fresh and cutting of the spirit as cankers are of the flesh. We are witnessing times, yet again, of humanity's inability to walk the path of nobility and peace. It is beholden upon those of us who know and understand Love to keep pressing home the message of that Unifying Principle. 


  1. If only some of those messages could reach more people . . .

  2. Any relatively honest version of history lays bare the dangers of fanaticism, but the message just keeps getting lost.

  3. Absolutely agree about the 'preaching to the converted effect, but hadn't contemplated the reassurance and confirmation effect. Sometimes the message does reach across a gulf and some receptive minds reach back, but too often it only seems to shift the gulf to somewhere else. Is it the human condition, as animals, to compete for resources, to be constantly in conflict with 'the others'?

    1. Hari OM
      The answer to that question, I fear, must be 'yes.' Ultimately we are all driven by the instinct for survival. Sadly, this tends to override the higher nature within us... Yxx

  4. Hi Yam - if only people would be prepared to look at other points of view and appreciate their values, even if they don't match their own. An excellent quote for today ... if only .......... cheers Hilary

  5. It's as if each generation needs to reinvent man's inhumanity towards man. On the other hand, there are many of us who are kindred spirits, and believe in one another. We don't get press for that, though.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  6. History repeats itself in good and bad ways.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Most people (most of us!) hear what they want to and disregard what they don't - the same is true of our reasoning. But the confirmations and affirmations you speak of are of value too, and sometimes subtly seeing things anew or with a slant perspective can be just as enlightening as a first encounter. We need to see things from all angles - inside and out - to have any sense of the 'truth'.

  8. One can flip a coin all day, and still can't make it right.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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