What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Not-Chewable; Well, Nobby...

Last week I had very special visitations... Gail and Nobby came by on their way back north from a sojourn down south. 

The Stuffy Clan had been packed off to various other parts of the Hutch for a vacation (and safety) as I had been warned of a certain young pupster's tendency to chew. Anything and everything. Which turned out to be absolutely true. Gail and I were the subject of quite a few 'toothing' sessions! Mostly not a problem, but once or twice a tad uncomfy. 

The first thing Nobby did was have a jolly good sniff around to make his acquaintance with the Hutch. 

One of the key ways to distract the youngster from our forearms and hands was to encourage playing with his various toys. Then I realised I had the perfect gift for my new nephdog... a stick that was found on a country walk several years back. Kept for its interesting shaping, it proved an ideal toothing item and fast became a favourite with Nobby himself.

Being blessed with a lot of floor space here, training sessions could take place right on the living room floor. Sit, stay, come, fetch were 87% successful... and there were even moments of peace when Nobby decided to practice his posing. Other things he chose most often to play with were his Hedgehog, and the amazing bone he found in one of his bog-bashing adventures up at Torridon. He could make it spin at almost the speed of light and then slow it to a snail's pace... (donchya jus' love the paw placement?!)

Now, we had three nights and two full days together, so I got to properly make a relationship with Nobby. He is definitely a different personality from his predecessor, Bertie. Where the latter was fairly calm and 'zen', Nobby might be considered rather more extrovert! True, I did not have the privilege of knowing Bertie in his formative years, but there is no doubt that, just as with we two-leggers, each is an individual! All the more interesting for that.

I shall leave the telling of any tales about the Saturday undertakings to Nobby and Gail - especially as I forgot my camera for that outing! However, on Friday last week, we took a trip down to Toward and checked out the improvements that have taken place around the sailing club premises... I shall show all that here tomorrow!


  1. I don't know how many time I forgot my camera, on an outing.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. It looks like Nobby made himself right at home in the Hutch and was having a great time during his visit.

  3. Nobby looks quite happy with Gail's lap.

  4. Maybe it's because it's only when they sit still that you get the best photos of them that Nobby looks very sage and contented in most shots. On the other hand fending off a mouth full of teeth isn't a great time to be taking photos. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  5. Nobby and Gail first want to thank YAM-aunty once again for her wonderful hospitality. This post goes some way to explaining why Gail considers Nobby's self-awarded mark of 90% for his conduct during his trip away to be somewhat optimistic - and that's discounting the 'wee puddle' left on the carpet while Gail was too absorbed watching the cycling on TV on Saturday evening...
    We hope that peace has now been restored to the 'Hutch' and the stuffies have all been released from their temporary imprisonment.

    1. Hari OM
      Oh yes, but 87% is very, very close! &*> As for the cycling - come oooon Tadej!!! Yxx

  6. oooh a stick!! how great... and we would love to get such visitors like you ;O)

  7. Beau would love a visit, and I am thinking you loved this visit too. It sounds and looks like a ton of fun and maybe in another year, OR TWO when Nobby comes to visit he will have shed those sharp teeth and be 99 % good, ha ha. what a fun visit, thanks for sharing

  8. YAM I'm clapping and grinning and just all kinds of happy (well minus the skin nipping) reading about Nobby's visit.
    YES I DO LOVE THE PAW placement. Nobby 187% has his own personality. Seems per Gail's post, Nobby thoroughly enjoyed making new friends and visiting new places.
    Thank goodness the stuffies were all on vacation too.
    Thank you for the fun post Bryan and I enjoyed it.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. What a cutie Nobby is! And wowzers! He is a purrfect poser (for selfies etc). And yes personalities are incredibly different. Miss Cinnamon is totally different from Mom's first Red Heeler (who too was zen and never barked). We are very pleased to see that Nobby finds his own chew toys! He is a jewel. Purrs Marv

  10. Thank goodness for the stick! Love the paw placement and the pretty pink pads.

  11. True the two legged and four legged all have individual personalities. Good looking chap.

  12. What a wonderful visit...and worth a few toothy marks for sure!!

  13. Oh look - he looks wonderful ... fantastic and lovely to read about - cheers Hilary


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