What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; Saturday Sayings

"Our language is a reflection of ourselves; 
it is an exact reflection of the growth and character of its speakers."
(Cesar Chavez)


  1. Loved the picture and the quote,

  2. Furrst...your comments 2 days ago about Chrome! I, Marvelous am purrterbed with Google, in their attempt to "improve your user experience" we can't comment at all from the iPad tablet, no matter which browser we use (safari, chrome of FireFox) and on the laptop, no commenting from FireFox--we had to update Chrome to comment! Big Sighs!
    We LOVED seeing all your stuffies that you put away because of Gail's new puppy yesterday, they would be well "loved" by Cinnamon here! and your Photo today is exquisite (as is the quote). What a gorgeous shot! Mom sure wishes she had more talent. Keep being awesome! Marv (and Mom)

  3. I respect Cesar Chavez, a powerful person.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. the photo is totally Awesome! I love the peace and quiet and those rocks make me want to sit on them

  5. Subtle reflections at the bottom. I wonder what our language will sound and read like in a couple of generations. Someone told F that in about two generstions from now only handwriting experts will be able to read the joined up writing she does (when not typing) because no one will be taught writing, so it language written will possibly have less art in it . xxx Mr T

    1. Hari OM
      Given that when my god children were learning English they did so through phonetics and not traditional grammar, I was totally lost when asked to help with homework! Language, like everything else in this world, is subject to constant change... Yxx

  6. YAM that is a beautiful photo and relaxing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Lovely photo. Is it Loch Eck?

  8. So beautiful pic, Love the post


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Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.