What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Ramping it up this year. Not just posting the music and leaving you to it but writing a bit more about why the choices and, hopefully, some musical academia on a very low scale. For example, last week, I mentioned that in Sabaton's ode to the Christmas Truce, I perceived the riff from the Carol of the Bells being 'inverted' by Joakim (piano/vocals). Well, the fellow I am going to share with you a bit this month has done his own critique and musical analysis of that song, and he - much more qualified than I - remarks on exactly that. Only he used better words. If you are inclined to glean a little more understanding of what is going on with the score, then click here!

It was a result of that video last week that I 'got offered' The Daily Doug in my watch list. Dr Helvering is a classical composer with a deep and thorough interest and knowledge of rock, heavy metal, folk, etc.

Colour me innocent, but I had no idea about this vlogging medium called "reaction videos." There are heaps of them out there - and they are not created equal. Doug's offerings truly explore the scales and clefs, the tones and half-tones, the tempo and time signature... I think most of you reading here had at least basic musical training, so I am hoping that you understand I credit this guy with his professorial chops!

I found myself working my way through significant portions of his extensive backlog of reactions. I have picked just a couple (don't wanna geek you out completely!) to share with you. Firstly because I love the music, and secondly, because it helps to ratify my assertion that heavier modern sounds are every bit as true to music as any 'classical'. 

The first one today comes to you purely and simply because - you may recall - I am a total Jethro Tull devotee. To hear this musical expert break down what he hears and help the listener appreciate a little more about what they are listening to is very pleasing. We are still within the Twelve Days, so am using that latitude to bring more seasonal fare. Enjoy!

PS - in case you did not see it, or as a reminder, I put out a call to action on the 
Christmas Eve Post. I am going to keep placing the link. Please spread the word, and quickly. The Collection Pot is only open until January 13th. Thank you.


  1. F annoys Mr B with her need to understand stuff - deconstruct, see how it works., but she never does it to music (strangely) simply likes it, or not. As it happens she loves Ian Anderson's flute playing. Good choice. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  2. Love the Ring Out Solstice Bells song, I have not heard it before. I am a fan of Jethro Tull too.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  3. YAM that was a fun find and also a new techie thing to me.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I've never heard those songs, but I love Jethro Tull. It was interesting seeing a classical musician react to the intricate music.

  5. My favorite Tull album!! It was nice having Solstice Bells broken down by an "expert"!

  6. I love how this gentleman is so knowledgeable about music. That adds so much pleasure to the listening. I do not posess that skill. Bet your Mum could do it. Peace and love, Janice.

  7. I never understand why us American haven't yet invest into a better medical system.
    it great if one can afford it
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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