What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menootanaboot; And On Wednesday...

Having checked to see what was on at the Burgh Hall (art gallery and cafe, as well as performance space), we discovered there was a textile art presentation of some sort - right up Mac1's street. As it turned out, very much mine, too. The place only opens Wed-Sun, so when Tuesday proved to be seriously wet and windy, we were praying it would let off by the next day so we could take advantage of a walk into town.

I must admit, I was starting to feel my body a bit! It had done way more walking in four days than it had done in the whole of last year. However, it was all for the good. Apart from anything else, the walk to the main street on Monday had been for me to get to the bank (I had received a cheque... A CHEQUE!!! I don't know when I last saw a cheque in these days of electronic transfer) to make a deposit. That turned into a bit of a fiasco. Arriving at the bank, we discovered it closes at 2pm. Sis said she ought to have realised as she was aware many banks did this now. Okay, I'll see if the ATM accepts deposits... which is when I go to my bag and discover it is without cheque - or wallet! Mild panic. There was a bench just along the street, so I plunked down, and Mac1 jogged back the way we came... all the way to the Hutch. There they were, on the cabinet in the hall. I remain entirely blank as to how, having made sure they were in the bag, they had left the bag again before leaving home...😳 Anyway, that turned into a different outing as we found stuff for Mac1's art projects at two different stores on the way. And we didn't get rained upon.

So roll around Wednesday. I had mentioned that I had some electronics that needed clearing out and taken to our recycling centre. Some grocery supplies were also required, thus, it was determined that we'd drive down and deposit the dud electrics, then go park in the supermarket car park, visit the gallery, and then back to the supermarket for shopping. There was a brief drop into the Red Cross Op Shop as some very pretty yellow yarn caught my eye - at a very pretty price! Four balls of that and one new shopping bag later...

At the gallery, the art pieces on show were few but made quite an impact. The installation was titled "+For St Bride." The pieces are woven from very fine wool, and the colours were from natural dies of the Scottish countryside. There is a well in Dunoon (just up the hill from the Hutch) dedicated to St Bride, and the Crottle Lichen collected from around it was used for the dye. My photos do little justice to the beauty - and the sensation - that could be appreciated in person.

I was deeply moved by the energy that emanated from the pieces; one set in particular (not shown here) reminded me very much of bandaging. Whilst clearly spiritual, there was something of the hospital about this exhibit - in the healing sense. Not till I later read the artists' own words on that link given just above did I come to know they had focused on the therapeutic aspects to be taken from their prompt... as it was 2020 when they began the work, and a pandemic had come upon us...

Visiting Morrisons for rice and bread after that seemed very mundane! 

Thursday dawned truly miserable and proved to be our one full pyjama day. Friday was okay with more beachery - then came time for Mac1 to head back east. After a bit of discussion, it was decided I would travel with her over to the other side of the water, and we'd visit a museum before goodbyes... but that's for next week's posts!

Be here reminded that next Friday is also Final Friday Feature time!!!


  1. Sisterly/family visits are the best visits.

  2. Gotta love the sisters! And the art! The weavings are quite beautiful! I love that they are using natural dyes!

  3. I got a mini weaver kit. To make some about size of dish cloth.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Naughty wallet and cheque - playing truant! ;)

  5. I love the texture of the finely woven wool, and am now off to look up crottle lichen.
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS Here in Aberdeen I was nearly blown over when letting Nobby out into the garden a few minutes ago, and he did not linger outside a second longer than necessary!

  6. it has something so special... it touches our heart

  7. Hi Yam - so glad you found the cheque and wallet ... while reading up about crottle lichen has reminded me how useful lichen has always been over the millennia. The museum and gallery look to have been fascinating and inspiring visits - so pleased you and Mac1 had interesting trips out and about. Cheers Hilary

  8. Hello,
    I am so glad you found your wallet and the check. The textile art exhibit sounds interesting, the weaving are beautiful.
    It is nice you had some fun times with Mac1. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  9. So glad you found the wallet and the check and also last year twice I had to go to the bank to use the ATM to deposit two checks and it's so aggravating to get a real check I used to love to get a check now it makes me upset. Our bank has an outside drive up ATM that you can deposit checks in I used to have a drive-thru window but now they don't. I really like the weave and it's Beauty and would like to see it in person and I'm so glad you only had one pajama day and that backones visit went so great today I've had to go back to bed because my back is out I took ibuprofen and I'm laying on the heating pad Bob has a 1:00 doctor appointment that I have to take him to and I'm telling you this because I may not post for the next couple of days depending on what the back decides to do

  10. OH YAM I feel you panic and am so happy wallet and check were safe and Mac1's years of Jogging saved total
    frightful experience.
    I did so love the photos of the crosses.
    I have my FFF in auto post and also have reminders set for early next week
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. That looks like an interesting exhibit. We can't wait to hear what you make from your yellow yarn.

  12. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with Mac1....although I can only imagine the fright when your wallet wasn't where you thought it was!

  13. That is lovely! Glad it was a nice day for a walk and your wallet was safe at home!

  14. What a lovely visit you had! I am happy for you.

  15. Beautiful weaving. One can certainly admire the artisan skill and the photos do convey a kind of quiet, a peace or possibly a hertmitage. Xxx F and Mr T


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