What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds Of Nature

Last week I mentioned the Pied Butcherbird. This week, for direct comparison, I bring you the Grey Butcherbird. This video clip (filmed on the coastal side of the Kuring-Gai NP, opposite to my hill side) is a sheer delight as we witness the conversation between parent and offspring, accompanied by some Cockies in the background (and others). I am choosing to share this clip because it is very reminiscent of my own experience. I had one Grey who became almost a permanent fixture, who responded to being called "Bird" and would feed from my hand. But mostly, it liked to hunt the bugs on the trunks and leaves of the shrubs in the courtyard. 

(In case anyone is wondering, Jade and Jasper were very tolerant of the Magpie and Butcherbird 'pets', as they were of the Blue Tongue lizards and possums... mind you, I did have to put lots of training time in early in their lives.)


  1. I found following the butcher birds close to hypnotic.

  2. Loved the post, Thanks for the video

  3. I should do a bird thing on my bucket list.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Just wonderful. I could listen to that all day.

  5. Hello :=)
    Such an entertaining video. I will remember the melodious and distinctive song of the Grey Butcherbird for ever. Lovely to see and hear the offspring responding to the parent. Thank you for sharing this delightful video.

  6. Hi Yam - it's amazing to be able to listen to these - thanks for posting ... as Adam says I could happily have them on all day - cheers and enjoy the weekend - Hilary

  7. Your birds have the most gorgeous songs!

  8. I'm just loving these exotic Saturday sounds. Cheers, Gail.

  9. Hello,
    What a lovely sound, like the others above I could listen to them all day. I would love to hand fed the birds, what a fun experience. Love the video. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  10. What a beautiful songbird, I enjoyed the calls in the video.

  11. OMB(irds) what a beautiful song for the Gray Butcherbird....my mind wonders how it got such a name. I must ask GiGi
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Gigi Google helped
      Grey Butcherbirds are aggressive predators. They prey on small animals, including birds, lizards and insects, as well as some fruits and seeds.

    2. Hari OM
      Good work! I have concentrated on the songs of these birds, that I thought not to put much about each species other than that... I guess folk are interested, so I can up my game on that one in the next schedule batch! Yxx

  12. That really is awesome! WOW! What amazing birds.

  13. What a great post and loved the video, following now to catch your posts in the future xxx

  14. The dogs aren't sure about this bird! The Man said "what is that?" Loved it!

  15. What a beautiful range of songs from those birds. I could swear when the parent responds to the juvenile that the parent is saying "shut up". BOL!

  16. We loved this fella, but then F loves all birds in bushland sounds. Xxx Mr T


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