What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

A couple of weeks back, you listened to an item called "Orion". Purely instrumental. I could not help but think, though, of one of my favourite Jethro Tull songs... yup, it's called "Orion"! There's no doubt that it is a very inspirational constellation. And looking to the stars on this, the ides of March seems to be somehow appropriate. (Remember, every month has nones and ides, it's just that most fall on the 7th and 13th, but in March, its the 9th and 15th - and they are only famous because old Bill Shookhisspoon wrote about it when telling of the death of Ceasar...)

Anyway. Music. Here is an ode to the constellation we perceive as the cosmic hunter, followed by his canine companion. The song ponders upon that celestial wanderer looking back at us and conjectures at the scenes; an old street-dweller; young couples not noting the years passing; a girl alone among a city full of people...


  1. Good to start the day with Jethro Tull. Thanks!

  2. I like the song, but the thing that grabbed me is nons and odes, never heard about that before. I do know ides or march, the phrase, because of St Pat day. I popped out and did the rabbing hole, but now am even more confused and decided to just forget understanding old Roman STUFF ha ha...

  3. Orion is new to me. Happy Ides of March dear YAM
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. interesting... and I like the muzak... it fits to this month ... we have to be on alert, this is the time you get the a$$ kicks out of the blue LOL

  5. I'm with Gail, Ian Anderson and Tull are a wonderful way to start the day!

  6. I like Jethro Tull's music! I knew that British group in the late 1970s. I remember that Jethro Tull's masterpiece is "Thick as a brick". I also like their singer and flutist, Ion Anderson.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hari OM
      There are very few JT songs that could be called 'dud'; one of my great memories of youth is attending a live concert. Fabulous stuff! Yxx


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