What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

It is a peculiarity of the human race that there is a need deep within to have something higher to look towards for succour, guidance... absolution... As society developed, so did many and varied ways of worship. Reverence, however, is often misguided. Remember, ultimately, we are our own best source. We can come to know this source best through proper devotion; that is to say, with full vision of what it is we wish to attain, with clarity of thinking, keeping only that which drives us towards that attainment, and dropping all other distractions.

The terms for these in Sanskrit are viveka - discrimination, and vairaagya - dispassion. Viveka and vairaagya are the two wings to help us soar above our baser nature and reach toward that which we worship. To become the best that we can be.


  1. Embrace love! Completely agree on this, yam!

  2. I have found in the past that in the places of worship that people choose to go to worship love with the two Elle’s Is sadly missing

  3. Thank you YAM.... Hugs Cecilia

  4. Do you think that some people are frightened to examine the places within themselves and would rather adopt the form of a religious experience over the substance of that enquiry of self that you describe? xxx F (and Mr T)

    1. Hari Om
      An interesting question - and ultimately, only the individuals themselves can properly answer; and it is also important to note that appropriate self-enquiry does not exclude one from having 'religious experience'. What is clear is that for many people, the intellectual juice to question doctrine without further inquiry and deep personal reflection is lacking. They would rather that control of the events and actions in their lives can be surrendered and all responsibility for who they are given over. And, it has to be admitted, there is an element of those six levels of courage required! Yxx


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.