What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menogurgulation; Yikes

Oh dear, oh dear... would it have been any better if I had remembered that I also bought a selfie stick??? My arms are not that long. I also opted to utilise the portrait gadgety bit in the workings of the Gopika, which gave that blurred background, then utilised tools to improve the lighting on the front bit and remove excess reflections on my specs. But oh dear me... make sure your teeth are well glued in before gazing on this.

Anyway. Moving on.

Here's a piccie of the next crochet project in hand, using the no-seams, top-down technique of design. I hope to have a loose and light spring/summer cardi-jacket-kimono-type-thingy by the end of production.

I have to attend a funeral on the 21st. Dear old Neighbour M died two weeks back. Until the past month, I had been having weekly conversations with her. However, since Christmas, those chats had become increasingly difficult as she gradually sunk into anoxic dementia. She faded fast. The Mac Clan loved this lady as one of our own. A Church of Scotland elder for many years, she was devoted to visiting and calling members of the congregation to ensure none felt alone. She was unstinting in her charitable offerings. And she couldn't resist buying pot plants. There was little she loved more than being out and about in this Bonny Land - and sharing a picnic. She will be missed.

Oh, and if you love viewing wildlife through fantastic photography and reading about their state of vulnerability.. have a gander at this...


  1. Good work on your self portrait.

  2. Really sad to hear about the death of neighbour M. She was a truly lovely lady. Thanks for the link to the magnificent photos of endangered wildlife.
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS You are not the first to discover it is nearly impossible to take a flattering (or even just acceptable) selfie!

  3. hugs to you... it's sad when things change and when we finally lose a friend...

  4. So sorry to hear your friend has passed on. She looks so happy at the picnic table. I have not tried to take a selfie with a camera. this came out well. lets see another one with the seflie stick in use. the photos on the website are breathetaking and some of them make me sad, like the polar bear and the animals in Africa. Hubby has caught many of those giant groupers here in Florida. Sarasota is part of Bradenton, we are Sarasota/Bradenton one huge city two names. Grouper is my favorite fish to eat and only one of two. sad to say the fisherman have raped the gulf of these fish and now they are less and less. for the almighty dollar, not to feed a family

  5. Hello,
    Your selfie looks great. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  6. A good neighbour will always be missed, but one day, all too soon, we will be that neighbour.

  7. YAM I have found memories of hearing about Neighbor M...she was a lovely lady and friend.. I send my condolences to all her friends and family. I like your new crocheting project and I thought your selfie was fine!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. PS when I take selfies I tend to look down and let me just say my neck resembles a Sharpei

  9. Thank you for sharing your selfie Yamini. It's as radiant as your words and the warmth I feel when I read them. Love the yellow of the cardi-in-progress.
    Sending you my condolences. Your memories of your neighbour have painted a beautiful picture. Hugs. xx

  10. I think you did a wonderful job on your selfie!
    So sorry for the loss of your friend.

  11. Gail/Nobby's observation on selfies very true and makes one wonder how all those 'influencers' who seem to be hooked on their own image passed that first hurdle. F has only tried once (to get she and me in a birthday message to an absent Mr B), scrapped it in horror without anyone else seeing it. Xxx Mr T

  12. Ps- I of course take excellent selfies but I have an excellent model to work with. Pout. Wink.

  13. Nice to meet you!
    Sad to lose a friend

  14. It's a perfectly wonderful selfie. I'm sorry for your loss - from your description it sounds like she was a lovely spirit touching many. Thanks for the pointer to the wildlife photos - so amazing.

  15. What a great selfie and yes, your teeth are in place☺ Losing a great friend is hard.

  16. Lovely picture; looks just like you! You will have a lovely jacket when you are done. I'm sorry about your neighbor; you will miss her.

  17. That's a great selfie. Do we ever take self-portraits that we could actually like? I loved looking at all those wildlife pictures but it's sad that all are endangered in some way.

  18. Hi Yam - yes ... a fun selfie - mine are definitely off the grid! Your neighbour sounds as though she was wonderful - a caring soul. The 'kimono-like' cardi will be so useful once the weather starts to warm a little more?! Cheers Hilary


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