What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

I have had cause to take a good look at life and how I am handling it of late. It is worth noting (and it may have been mentioned before) that it can seem as if the YAMster is not doing a lot other than thinking. Then things happen, and they happen fast! This can lead to bursts of self-doubt, self-castigation and even self-loathing. 

It is the Vedantin's way to sit and review the deeds of any given day. In observing them, then to observe one's part in them and whether it was played well. If not, can the error be identified? This gives something to work on and to seek non-repetition. Or to avoid if the error arose from another's actions or words. For it has to be accepted that one can only be damaged by the attitude in which one takes on that which comes from the external. Whether or not another intended to cause harm matters not; what matters is whether we take it on and get stuck or reject it and move forward.

When we can see if we might have played something better ourselves, we can grow from the self-knowledge gained. Too easily we can surrender to the flow of things, thinking the script is written for us when, in truth, we are our own playwriters!


  1. It is easiest to sleep at night when we have a clear conscience.

  2. Do the caring thing can result in good night sleep.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  3. India inspired you a lot. I live in India. I wonder why this country doesn't inspire me at all.

    1. Hari OM
      We can all be inspired or 'injured' by the places we live. Some things are truly beyond our immediate control in terms of circumstances - but at all times we have control of how we act/react to those circumstances. May not always be ideal, but we must always strive for the best we can at any given moment. Yxx

  4. Getting the right balance between reflecting on one's own actions and taking on board input from others can, I think, be a challenge.
    Hope all's well at the Hutch.
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. I just copied and pasted the paragraph about the Vedantin way and sent it in an email to myself. This makes a lot of sense. the doctor I am seeing told me each night before I lay down to sleep to journal. I have been unable to do that. she said write what you will be thinking about down and put it down. Vedantin might work. will ponder and try it. thank you.
    I am deep in the same type thing you are and do the self doubt/beat up on myself and usually do it after betime which keeps me from sleeping

  6. I try to spend time each day, walking outdoors surrounded by nature. If I think too much at night, I can not fall asleep. I relive my peaceful place. I try to keep a positive attitude and avoid drama. Hubby and I did enjoy spending time with our grandsons yesterday. My brain can be like a video player repeating the day. Have a happy day and a great new week!

  7. I wake up every day and do what I do. I am not plagued by deep thoughts or self-analysis, I have no crises of confidence or self-doubt. A particularly apt turn of phrase in a book can make me happy. I am a lucky man, I am sure,

  8. Hey YAM....My condolences to all who loved Neighbor M.
    What a powerful quote!!
    This morning Bryan was talking about the Blue eyed bird on yesterday's post. I missed it but am caught now.
    I am about to take an EMW
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I have been saying to everyone - we are trying to make rainbows out of 💩. Life feels extra hard. Know we are sending you well wishes from across the pond! Lee and Phod and Lady

  10. I like "edit the play", YAM. I need to do this--to replay and annotate, so that I can and and react more thoughtfully the next time. I haven't yet been able to stop repeating errors, but at least I have begun to notice immediately after I have made them!

  11. May your thoughts be gentle and your path bautiful.

  12. This is thoughtful. My problem is I review my errors over the years, and mentally kick myself over and over again. My grandie is having issues, too.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.