What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

...and yet more pretties from the garden of Tigger...



Fairly sure these are the leaves of Acanthus Balcanicus,
the flower of which is aka Bears Britches

Blackberry leaves

Lilac (past its prime but still fragrant!)

Think this one might be a member of the Achillea family

Daises dress a lawn IMHO!


  1. OooooOOOOoooooo! we LOVE the flower shots! And I get down the same way! The deck rail is a 2x6 so it is plenty wide enough for a guy like me to land on! Purrs Marvelous Marv

  2. What marvelous pictures! Tigger is a fine gardener.

    1. Hari OM
      well, he's a very fine snoopervisor... and ensures F and Mr B keep his garden beautiful! YAM xx

  3. All correctly identified!
    I love perennial hardy geraniums. Acanthus...also known as Monkshood I think..not something I would have in a garden!

  4. love it... and how great that our world is full of colors now...

  5. I wonder if it’s the same plant - Acanthus mollis is also known as Bear’s breeches here in Melbourne

  6. the flowers are beautiful, but the photos that grabbed me are the ones with all the detailed GREEN. no flowers needed. those leaves are stunning, with all the little designs you and your camera captured. You landed in MaDSnapper Heaven with your camera.

  7. Such beautiful blooms and leaves!

  8. Hello,
    The flowers are all beautiful, lovely green leaves. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  9. I am greatly enamoured with the picture of the daisies on the lawn, YAM and your observation that they dress a lawn is spot on. The only thing better would be to get rid of the lawn. Speaking of which, I was advised recently that there is a trend (maybe too strong a characterization) for people in the UK to replace real grass with artificial turf, and take out trees and replace them with plastic ones so as not to have "mess." This is sheer madness.

  10. What unique and beautiful Geranium...and the Daisies are out standing so happy
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We believe that Acanthus is 'mollis' (well that is what we ordered - also known as oyster plant. Apparently the leaves are the inspiration for the design at the top of Corinthian columns)), and the one below it is Meadowsweet (https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/plants/wild-flowers/meadowsweet/). F likes the frothy flowers and probably stole a bit off a roadside somewhere. Hope you had a safe trip home Yam-Aunty (and are enjoying your new wheels). xxx Mr T

    1. Hari OM
      Variations on a theme, then - and still gorgeous! Ta for the additional info.

      Yes, it has been tiring - so much to learn!!! - but the drive was blissful. h&w Y-a xxx

  12. oops - that Acanthus might be the Acanthus spicata - we have a couple of those too. The spicata is beside the meadowsweet.

  13. I hope you are having fun! Good job! XX

  14. What marvellous photos. I wonder which you like the best; I like the ones of the leaves; they hint at a hidden world

  15. Tigger's garden has such pretty flowers and foliage.

  16. Amazing flowers and captures.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.