What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoday Mystery

Well, well... the YAMster has escaped her Hutch once more and is off on a great adventure. Only not in the van (sorry, van fans). Word came through last Thursday that the delay was continuing, so the collection will have to wait until I return north... and let us pray that it will, indeed, be ready by then!


Out I got by 0830h and onto the ferry across to Gourock, then bus to Glasgow. 

One hour to go find some brunch. 

Delighted to find that Social Bite was open and had delicious falafel focaccia with a copious teapot of tea. 

Back to the bus station to catch the 500 airport bus.

Yes... a flight to come! (This is not my plane - I was sitting on my plane watching this one incoming.)

Where could I be going, do you think???

Just about as far south as one could go and still be on these British Isles. I will leave you one very strong clue... and back on Thursday with more of the tale!


  1. Oh I bet you are going to go see Tigger while F and Mr B are way down under. What a good friend you are.

  2. Happy adventures. Kitty and I await updates.

  3. Who doesn't love a good mystery!!!

    That bread looks delicious.

  4. ooh! this looks delicious--the mystery and the falafel focaccia. Have fun Yamini:)

  5. oooh enjoy a trip and the view of the world from high above...

  6. Safe travels! We can't wait to hear more!

  7. My guess is the Isle of Wight. If I am correct you have to take me to the Social Bite for lunch!

  8. no idea where you are going or why but that does look like Tiggers Eye in the photo. can't wait to hear the Rest of The Story

  9. Enjoy your trip, Yamini. Awaiting updates. :-)

  10. We give up YAM but where ever it is there is a beautiful eye looking forward to seeing you.
    Hugs Cecilia and Bryan

  11. GiGi Google says
    The most southerly point of the British Isles is
    Lizard Point most southerly walk | Cornwall | National Trust
    Lizard Point walk: the most southerly place in Britain. Take in dramatic views of the Atlantic, visit the lighthouse and look out for local wildlife on this enjoyable walk around the most southerly point in Britain
    Just saying'
    Does Aitch live there?

  12. On with the adventure! Wishing you safe travels and much enjoyment, and also a soon delivery of your van when you return. I'm very late in wishing you a happy birthday but hope it will be a grand year for you.

  13. Hip hip HORRAY for adventuring! I can't wait to hear more...

  14. You're enjoying life to the hilt. Go ahead.

  15. We don't know who that kitty is but whoever they are they are lucky to have you as a guest. Have fun and we can't wait to hear more about your adventure.


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