What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menohere; AWOL?

No, but I have taken the decision to make my two days of non-posting on the weekends for this month. So no birdsong or Sunday uplifts until July. I may also still miss a couple of Mondays. 

There are things being done to the Hutch and things that need doing to The Grey... stuff that requires my focus, so I need to give myself a bit of headspace. You'll catch up with all eventually because you know me, I just can't help sharing! Breathe deeply and remember to dodge the garden hose... 


  1. Hmm... I'm breathing deeply. 👍

  2. lol if you haven’t got enough to keep you occupied I’ve got plenty of this that and the other to be done😊. Keep on keeping on darl!

  3. Hi Yam - yes we know you ... good luck - lots to focus ... all the best - cheers Hilary

  4. we all KNOW you will return, you can't help yourself. Like yesterday, I was followling Beau around trying for a face shot and Bob said, how many photos do you need? you must have 50 or more. I said try 897 and he said WHAT????

  5. Good luck with everything that needs to be done, YAM.

  6. Hello Yam,
    Sounds like you will be busy, I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more about the "Grey".
    Best wishes and take care! Have a happy weekend.

  7. I'm excited for you summer trek YAM
    BOL MOL LOL dodge the garden hose.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Getting things done that need doing is very important.

  9. All the best, doing what you have to do! Caitlin & JL are doing kitchen renos shortly. It will be epic! XX

  10. I hope you get all done to your specification!

  11. Take the space you need and we send you Love. Lee and Phod and Lady


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