What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Feature

Last Friday of August already. I am a bit flabbergasted... but here it is. 

It has been a while since I composed any verse. Time to redress that omission. I've been holding onto this photograph taken whilst at the last park up in Lunderston Bay. That charmed Friday when the sun shone, and the water and the sky were blue.

I stood upon a beach
in the land of my birth,
pondering the travels
I've made upon this earth.
I acknowledge privilege
to have seen so much, and sigh,
then look above my head
and see the Saltire in the sky.

My feet may be planted
in Scotland's bonny ground,
yet my heart is further distant -
all the globe around.
In a land with deep red soil
edged with coral seas;
mighty isle Australia
is where my heart's at ease.

Then the spirit's call
is to yet another place:
heat and dust and mayhem
cannot despoil the grace
of the magic that is India,
where the ancient ways
remain as current now
is in those long-gone days.

Mind, heart, and spirit
can all travel where they will,
but the reality of body
is that in Alba I am still.
Here I must be present,
reach the future from the now;
bring all the past together,
and to the Saltire bow.

ⓒ YAM 2023


  1. Very well done. namaste, janice xx

  2. This poem so well and so passionately expresses what I know you feel.
    Nobby is taking part in FFF again today. This is his FFF post!
    Cheers! Gail.

  3. You are good at this too, poet. And cheers to your global soul.

  4. that is very gooood!! and we like the tic tac toe games what appear on the sky...

  5. We love your poem and your beautiful photo!

  6. Wild clapping for your verse! It say it all and I can tell exactly your feelings and also feel your feelings. I understand you feelings, I found my PLACE in the hills of Kentucky and when I went back to my birthplace I longed for that place. I also had a longing for Florida, the other place i loved and glad to say have now been her 40 years. Of course it is NOT the place I long for now...it has changed drastically. I wonder if your place has changed since you were there

  7. YAM oh my cats. This is absolutely beautiful WOW. You surely made for not having written a verse in a while.
    X marks the spot where you are right now
    Hugs cecilia

  8. What a beautiful poem. An ode to the places you've been and loved throughout your life.

  9. Hi Yam - that's an excellent poem and summary of your travelling life - loved it ... very clever - happy memories indeed - cheers Hilary

  10. My heart is at ease in Aotearoa..your words are spot on

  11. Between the beautiful photo and the amazing photo, we are overwhelmingly impressed!!!


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