What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Last week you heard a rather meditative modern 'Baroque' item that had appeared when I requested 'heavy'... so I thought I would use an actual Baroque item this week. Listen to the attack on the strings between the lyrical bars, the soaring riffs at speed - then think about the way heavy metal guitarists strum their strings, how the drums echo the thrum of these players beating their bows upon the strings.


  1. it fits to a really good tea time... with lots of cakes and sweet stuff..

  2. A pleasant morning listen, thanks!

  3. now I know what baroque is. much better than the metal in my book

  4. I think it is a pleasant sound. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  5. Enjoyed the music, with coffee on the side. Lovely combo! Good to be back here.

  6. I really like this...it reminds me of music one might hear as there is something big about to happen
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Enjoyed listing the music, beautiful


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Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.