What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; The Process Of Inculcation

Old-time readers here will recognise the Menorise label; those posts about lessons to be learned, inspired by greater minds and personalities. I was a bit stuck for posts this week so decided to trawl back to year one of the blog and this date of that year (2013)... and it turned out to be one of my early Menorise offerings.

On the Mumbai-Delhi Express...

We require the wisdom to see the present moment and the courage to live in it.  Too often we are lamenting or lauding the past. Again, too often we get drawn to the 'what if', or 'if only' of the future.

Surely an element of planning is necessary.  This cannot be denied.  When planning is in place however, don't forget to enjoy the ride between 'thens'! 

It was good for me to be reminded, so I share the reminder with you... and add a sprinkling of Love with the capital 'ell',  
YAM xx


  1. 2013. A life time ago. I wonder if I'd found this blog yet.

    1. Hari Om
      I think not quite at that point, Joanne... I found you via "Pearl" in early 2014, if I recall well... so much has happened in that decade, heh na? Yxx

    2. Love that Eisenhower quote.

  2. I really like that quote from Eisenhower.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  3. I thought I remembered this post from 10 years ago ago and went back to check. I didn't remember that I commented on how I too had had a rocky week. It was getting towards the end of my father's long struggle with Alzheimers disease. It feels a long time ago now.

    1. Just checked back on Bertie's blog. The rocky week was in fact because I'd been burgled and my laptop stolen!

  4. that is a very good quote... and we often act that way... fortunately the future train has good brakes ....

  5. Great quote...Thanks for the beautiful post.

  6. living with a husband that lamments and lauds the past all day every day is my rocky rails right now

  7. Hello,
    I like the quote and image is perfect. I try not to dwell on the past and I look forward to the future. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  8. Morning YAM
    One thing about being a senior, I have learned to worry less and live in the moment.
    Next Monday my inspiration quote is "Worrying is like a rocking chair, it keeps you busy but gets you no where."
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Thank you for the sprinkling. I was not following your posts at that time. Just starting the journey. I did visit your link and enjoyed what I looked through. namaste, janice xx


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