What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menory Lane; Another Boomerang

After looking up yesterday's post, I went to the following year for this day in 2014... turned out I was in the middle of the WBL-LHI labelled series... "wide brown land-Lord Howe Island". I had scanned some of the pages from my journal of the visit there with my mother in 1992. I really enjoyed looking back over that again... I wonder if you will? I share with you here one of the images from the 16th, which was actually on post four of the series. 

There are a handful of readers here who watched those posts then... but there are lots of new readers, too. So I offer you the opportunity to see some grainy old scans of even grainier photographs in a handwritten journal of a little piece of paradise...

You can CLICK HERE to be transported back to Post One of the series, then work through each 'next post', or you can opt to go to THIS LABEL for all the posts and scroll to the bottom then work up in order, (because Blogger insists on LIFO presentation!)


  1. Beautiful blue seas. namaste, janice xx

  2. Lord Howe Island is a dream location for birders, but people I know who have been there report that it is REALLY expensive.

    1. Hari OM
      It probably is now, David... thirty years back it certainly took a chunk of savings; this is mainly due to the numbers of tourists being capped at 400. I do hope you will take a peek at the old journal scans, where I mention many of the birds! It really was a dream destination and a very, very fond memory. Yxx

  3. indeed... a piece aof pawradise ;O)

  4. Such beautiful and serene shots.

  5. Hello, Yam
    I enjoyed this Lord Howe Island post and I looked at your old travel posts. Do you keep track of your bird list, I am sure you added quite a few birds to your list. I love the your photos of the beaches, landscapes, vegetation and the birds. Happy memories. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  6. its beautiful even with the scans. fond memories for you. sometimes i look through labels on mine just to remember places i went and wrote about. mine is more journal, like daily life stuff but still interesting as a re read.

  7. YAM you have the most observant and creative eye when it comes to photos of water.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That looks like a beautiful place to visit.

  9. What an interesting spot! Hope you are well, and getting tasks done! XX

  10. Hi Yam - it's amazing ... it's so far out into the Tasman Sea - that I'd never realised. You were so lucky and what a wonderful trip to make with your mother ... happy memories - cheers Hilary


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