What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

For this final visit to the Antipodes Avians, I did really want to bring you the Cassawary and Emu video from the Plumes of Oz collection. The Emu is the second critter on the Australian crest, the other being the Kangaroo. It would have been a fine way to end the series. However, more recent clips there have been restricted to viewing only on the tubular platform. So I encourage you to click that name link and go watch it over there - no vocal sounds recorded on it - mainly due to the very low register of these birds being so very difficult to record. But prepare yourself for chick cuteness towards the end!

I then thought I would bring you another frequent garden visitor that I saw, Lewin's Honeyeater... but that too was restricted, so have reverted to one I brought you earlier but which is just too cute and bears witnessing again. A different video from last time and more taxonomic info provided. As well as lots of that fantastic voice. 

So, that's that for the Aussie birds - do visit the Plumes of Oz channel if you wish to explore even more! What next? I'll bring you some of the birds local to me in the Bonny Land! There are thirteen Saturdays left in the year, so let's see what I can muster up.


  1. The blue wren is well worth a second look. So cute!

  2. they have a sweet little twitter and some of them look like their tail was an afterthought. cute round body with long skinny tail feathers.

  3. Hello, YAM
    The Fairy Wren is a beautiful bird, Love their pretty sounds too! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. What a cute little bird with the sweetest song!

  5. Superb Fairy Wren is Miriam’s favourite Australian bird and she has a coffee mug with its picture on. It is such a delightful species, yet ranks first in promiscuity in all the avian world. That’s an anthropomorphic judgement, of course, reflecting on a strategy that works well for the species.

  6. Such amazing birds over there! Our kids were fascinated.

  7. OMCs YAM the Fairy Wren is absolutely adorable and such a pretty collection of feathers. I love the aqua...and what a sweet voice
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Such a beautiful little bird with a lovely call.

  9. I can't get over their adorable little tail feather(s)!

  10. Wrens are one of my favorite of the aviary beings. Unfortunately the fourth floor balcony is not attracting much of any birds. Thanks so for sharing these little beauties. namaste, janice ss


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