What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Feature Boomerang

Last week in the reminder of this being Final Friday time, I used a boomerang post of a pretty critter with purple paws. Here is a reprint of the post that arose from that...  it was from a regular prompt by our erstwhile blogpals, Murphy ad Stanley. When they stopped blogging, I chose to continue the Final Friday Tradition!

Menolyrical; The Dip... an FFHT event

Over at Murphy and Stanley's place it is last Friday of the month story day... click to read more!!!

Normally I use a photo to prompt my stories and this is no exception; we are also given a sentence by M&S which we have to highlight in the story.

This month it is "...and that's why my toes turned purple."


Monday past, you may recall,
I met a feline fellow
whose paws were bright on every leg
- and I don't mean yellow!

Slunk past my legs  in silence,
(as is the wont of his kind);
sniffed a flower or two in passing,
then showed me his behind.

Such a '... hither' look he had,
I surely had to follow
and watched, as he groomed and strode
then began to wallow.

Mesmerised, I had to ask -
I mean, really, why, when, what??!
"How come, Sir, your paws are tinted
like a forget-me-not?"

Cat growled loud, Cat mewed and blinked
"I could tell you, but at cost...
perhaps some catnip?..fine-flake fish?
or tray of liver frost?"

"None of these I have to hand:
but fifteen mins of glory
I can promise if you will tell
the whole of your story."

A moment's hesitation, 
then Cat let loose the torrent
about his brush with neighbours wild 
behaviour, abhorrent.

He spoke words non-BBC,
the sort that can't be printed;
he wouldn't tone it down at all,
however much I hinted.

Such vitriol was spewed forth
I could scarce bear to listen;
but then I saw it in his eye,
a twinkle, a glisten!

He stopped, and again the wink:
"lady, you are kind, I see
so from this hatred I'll now refrain
and tell what tainted me.

Renovations under way,
they left their paint to curdle
 - low - in a tray - I could not resist...
...and that's why my toes turned purple."


  1. I thought it might have been Purple rain. namaste, janice xx

  2. Hi Yam - fun to read ... and can quite easily see the purple paws. Lovely looking Mr Cat ... cheers Hilary

  3. I can understand those wild neighbours.

  4. wow, purple toes means anything goes. we will remember to stay away from curdling paint trays... sorry, not only did I totally forget today is FFF but I posted both Friday and Saturday today... memory cells disapearing at alarming rate.

  5. All is revealed. I can only imagine the purple cat prints all over the house!

  6. What a fun story. Love the kitty with the purple paws. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Love the story and the purple paws photo!

  8. Jumpin' Catfish renovations no matter large are small are enough send 2 and 4 leggers looking for comfort and peace.
    Definitely a purrfect reason for your paws to turn purple.
    About 7 years ago we had all the flooring in the house replaced. Angel Madi and I spent hours each day sequestered up here in the office. The house was crawling with workers. Madi was 100% sure stranger/danger was a real think.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. What a cute flash back and the story behind the cat's purple paws.

  10. Luckily, purple really is that kitty's color!!

  11. This is fun! That looks like our dear Hooper!


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