What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menokreatikkul; It Was This Big

Twenty days back, I showed you something I began just to keep the hands from fidgeting. Yes, it has also been a distraction from doing the stuff that in my head is already done... but at least it is a productive distraction (I keep telling myself). And really, what else to do when outside is like this...?

It's been like that for a couple of weeks now... and determined to hang around, it seems. So crochet it is. (Though I did manage to clear another couple of cabinets in the Great Hutch Purge...) And as the temperatures had started to plummet, I fitted in an evening's project using up some absolute scraps of yarn...

You just can't have too many wrist warmers, IMO. Honestly, it makes all the difference to feeling cosy and comfy of an autumnal day... that and a beanie or headband...

Back to the main project. F did suggest that it might be a cushion cover - and actually, at that point, this is what I thought I might be doing. However, as she also pointed out, the reverse being almost as pretty as the front of the work, it seemed a shame - plus, I found that I loved the 'hand feel' of the fabric this particular stitching was producing. It was draping beautifully, too. Look how soft and 'flowy' this material is...

So one square done, another was begun. Then another... well, I drew the line at six, each different, but with one 'anchoring' motif at the same point on all... do you spot it?

Just that one wee three-stitch tapestry on the same row of each of the six main squares... which came about mainly because, you may recall, I was making this up as I went along and the first three squares I was counting furiously trying to keep them even, having decided this was going to grow and grow and become an extra special blanket for The Grey. Something specifically for myself. Which meant I had to order more of the yarn!!! There are two balls left (it was a three-for-two offer thus unavoidable over-order), so there will be something else made from this luscious, 100% acrylic - it's top quality from the Women's Institute range; as a pure wool gal, I am surprised how much I love this stuff. With the cost of pure wool these days, it is good to know there is a decent alternative... but back to the blanket...

I finished it on Tuesday evening. Having the six main squares, I had to make decisions about what the rest was going to be. In the end that was fairly easy - lots of smaller plain squares between and three entirely different motifs in the middle, then edged with a single row of the two colours entwined and using a larger hook, working every second stitch... here's the front and reverse. 

Right... what's next...??? I really ought to try and use one of the patterns I have bought and filed away, don't you think? ... Will the YAMster be able to focus? Will she manage it without going to the shops again? Is there sufficient yarn stashed???????? Are you in the least bit interested......????


  1. Yam, this binkie is exquisite! I can see all that single crochet kept you busy (and counting) for a good while.

  2. Beautiful work! This is a prize.

  3. Not only productive but charmingly creative too.

  4. Stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. Well done!

  5. Nicely made..and very practical!

  6. Really impressive speed you turned that out in. How much of the remaining stash will be going with you in The Grey?

  7. I love it, Yam... the colors, the squares, its beautiful and i can see in the video how it would be perfect fro cuddling/huddling under on a dreary dreary day like the other video. I am thinking it is fortunate with the weather outside your window that you are not out in tha in the Grey.. I never thought about keeping wrist warm, but it makes sense. even in our FLorida cold, my throat gets cold while watching TV and my hands and wrist...

  8. Your blanket is just gorgeous and I love your wrist warmers too! You are so talented with your crochet hook!

  9. I don’t think I have ever seen wrist warmers, or may have not noticed would be more accurate. In our house we have Miriam’s quilts to keep us snug and warm. I have mine across my knees as I type right now. We generally keep,our house cool - around nineteen degrees, but we are perfectly comfortable in a sweater and the quilt.

  10. Hi Yam - I can't wear most of the materials around ... but use cotton mainly - I'd love to be 'crafty' (not in the deceitful way?!) - craftily clever ... but not in my genes ... with that weather of yours - I'd have a nose in a book ... we've been so lucky down here - dry and still relatively warm. Good luck with the next project - cheers Hilary

  11. Hello,
    The wrist band are cute, very colorful. I love the blanket, warm colors and the wool does look soft and warm. Well done! Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. OMCs it is a blustery day outside the Hutch. Thank goodness for your ability to crochet. YAM your new afghan throw is absolutely beautiful. I love the pattern and the colors. WOW
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Of course, we care. It's crochet! What a lovely blanket you created. We know it will do a great job of keeping you warm in the Grey.

  14. Gorgeous! ...and it will keep you nice and toasty on days like the one shown!
    Can't wait to see what's next!

  15. Beautiful and cozy!!! namaste, janice xx


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