What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorkulatin; Things To Do When Doing Nothing

Dear Wednesday, you've arrived. Hmm... bit of a haar over those hills. Will the sun shine today? 

Cuppa tea. Read the blogs. Respond to emails. Struth, mid-morning already?

There's a post to be done for tomorrow. Later. Go do the washing up, get the laundry on... 

Oh, I could use this box for a bit more decluttering. Which bit? Hang the clothes first. Oh, look, those bookshelves. It has to be faced. Then there are the CDs and DVDs to decimate. Eliminate, even. Will you look at that? Bought that CD in Manly during the Jazz Festival in 1993. Verdi's Requiem. Way better than any jazz IMHO. I know others would differ. Crikey, look at that. Forgot about them. Gilligan's Fiddlers from the Irish bar at the local RSL Got to know those boys pretty well. I'd forgotten they'd signed these disc covers. Can't put those in the op-shop. Back on the shelf, then. 

So many books collected while in Mumbai. I know there is interest in philosophy, so will put them in the box. They'll find their people. Ah, a complete, unmarked set of the Gita - wrap them all together with a note. There's a home for them elsewhere, and I don't need to know where it is. 

I'd forgotten about that one - oh yes, and Swamiji signed it - back on the shelf. These will have to stay. For now. Sanskrit textbooks have a limited market, even in opportunity shops. Same for all those medical tomes, homoeopathic compendiums, and other modalities. Sigh... there may have to be a bonfire. November is approaching.

Oh, Stomach - I forgot you. Breakfast. At 1300h. 'S way it goes sometimes. Mind busy enough to forget the body. 

Two boxes filled - almost. Three hours? Well, one had to check each thing, right?

Sigh. What to fill the arvo with? Oh yes, crochet. And some strawberries.

(Oh, and get this posted up, as it's Thursday already!)

I was watching a vid on mosaic (tapestry) crochet. I liked the blanket pattern and saved it,
but my itchy fingers wanted to experiment without trying to follow.
So I just started and made it up as I went to see where it would take me.
Where will it go, do you think?

I like this result on the reverse of the work, too. Particularly for blankets, it gives a fine finish.
Will this be a blanket, though?

Super-sweet Scottish Strawberries (from Fife).
A last grasp at summer. Scoffed the whole punnet.
As indulgence goes, that's a pretty healthy one, heh na?


  1. Strewth, much work done, much still to do perhaps. Juicy strawberries too.

  2. We've not had a good strawberry all summer. Those look perfect. What a treat!

    1. Hari OM
      I generally avoid the supermarket straws because they almost always disappoint - but once I knew these were 'local' and they were on the COOP's 'special' list, that they would be worth the risk. And mmmmmmmmmmmm... Yxx

  3. "Mind busy enough to forget the stomach". I like to think my mind is not inactive, but I will say I've never ever experienced the forgetting to eat thing, although I'm aware many of my friends do!
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS Nobby and I are currently enjoying a few days walking around the Scotland/England border with our friend Janet. Weather pawfect.

  4. Hi Yam - as WFT Nobby mentions ... eating stops me doing other things!! I have to do what you're doing - not the blanketing though, or the 'vanning' thing ... but it's hot here - so have been out and about. I have to knuckle under and tidy up - and get a post up today ... cheers - good to read though ... cheers Hilary

  5. we would love it as a blanket... and we love the strawberries... ours endet as a snack for the snails sigh...

  6. I have never forgotten to eat for sure, of course if I did the dog would remind me, have not lived without a dog in the house since 1985, that might be why I don't forget. NOPE! I am hungry when I wake up. I know some are not. I wonder if you put the books you says most will not want, on ebay or one of the selling channels if someone might see them. put a cheap price and that might go. You are attached to your treasures, that makes it hard to give them away. I don't have any treasures because i don't get attached. right now though I can't make myself dump the CD fulls of photos, a whole drawer of them that are photos of STUFF. also I have albums of photos that I want to scan and dump the photos, but having done that with one small album, still did not dump. that means I do have attachment to them.. I have no books but 6 Bibles in the house, but sometimes think what if the internet goes away, I would have nothing to read. I do what you did, find the day gone and I had done similar things as you and wonder how it got to be afternoon so quickly

  7. Hello,
    Your downsizing, reminds me I need to do something with my closet. We have lots of CD's but not many paper books.
    I donated a lot books, now I use my kindle for reading. Your crochet piece looks pretty, it would make a lovely blanket. I love the strawberries, they look delicious. Take care, have a great day!

  8. Strawberries look yummy and ready to be devoured. Everything else can wait!

  9. YAM you mind's eye did an exceptional job of sending a message to your fingers. I love it
    and I bought some lovely strawberries today too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. The mosaic crochet square is gorgeous and those strawberries look VERY yummy!

  11. Sometimes I gat a lot of work done...when I'm doing nothing ;-)

  12. Love that mosaic pattern. You are making me itchy to start a project too. But so many other things to tackle too:)

    Those strawberries look quite tasty - hard to find good ones around here. The season is too short and it gets too hot for the berries not to ripen too quickly.

  13. Good work, YAM. The excitement builds. I sure wish I could declutter. I have zero motivation! I tried weeding today, but it was so hot... We've been enjoying local produce so much. Cheers from here XX

  14. Sorting through one's possessions is not a fun task, but we do love the crochet work you've started. Around here a meal is never forgotten thanks to Walter keeping us on schedule.

  15. Cushion? Trouble is you would not then get the joy of both sides.strawberries are definitely better than scoffing chocolate and drinking lager.

  16. Wonderful flow of thought post. As for books, paper recycles so that is how I disposed of several that had no other place to go. namaste, janice xx.


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