What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorkulatin...Again. It's That Kinda Week

Thursday arrived. So did the sun... at least according to the Gopika...

A few grains of salt (or sand) are required. It did actually reach 25'C at peak (around 2 p.m.)... shortly before it collapsed and the rain returned. It was sufficiently warm while working the hook to find a need for the use of this recent acquisition. Bought for The Grey, this mini fan is fabulous!!! Even at the lower speed, it is ample. Intermediate might require hair spray - full speed is tornado quality. It has lights in behind for night use. It can even be put on a timer! It has a claw-foot stand, so can be grabbed onto things for use around the place. It was offered to me on the Big A at a 'flash sale' price - which was less than half price. One of the best ten quids I've spent in a while. It charged up really quickly and hasn't run out yet.

In fact, I'm so impressed, I've ordered another one! (UK link if anyone's interested - not sure what the state of play for it is elsewhere, but definitely worth the money!) One at either end of the van will provide excellent airflow. They can literally be placed anywhere but provide as much blast as a unit twice its size. In fact, I'd go so far as to say this wee thing is as effective as the pedestal fan I had in my office down under!

Spent a couple of hours back at culling the wardrobe... this time, it was the turn of the sari, kurta, and dupatta stash... and (oh, there was a heart twinge) a few of the Stuffy Clan. There just will not be sufficient room for them all in The Grey. Some lucky kids will get new friends for Christmas.  Filled a large storage box. Of the clothes, it was kurtas that are now a tad too 'clingy' (shift-dress tops aka kameez), dupattas that are hardly ever worn (shawls/scarves), and likewise, some saris that are not my regulars. Will there be a call for these in Dunoon's op-shops? I might offer draping workshops for any who wish to purchase them. But also, the materials are gorgeous, so would not be bothered if someone wanted to get creative and 'upcycle' them in some way. Fret not, I still have at least a dozen saris and plenty of kurtas, salwar (harem pants), churidar (leggings), and dupattas. And spare hangers, now.

Yes, getting properly going on the downsizing now. In response to Sandra Madsnapper's comment on yesterday's post; I am not attached to much at all. But not everything is suitable for the shops. And I simply cannot be bothered with the hassle of selling. The one attempt at that last year produced so much time-wasting and no-shows the thing ended up going to the op-shop anyway. No, the majority of things will go to the charities. The Sanskrit stuff - there's not that much - might stay with me, or I will find a place for it elsewhere. As for the medical texts... most are so far out of date now that even the college libraries would not be interested. Hence the bonfire thinking...

The few items for which there is a little sentimentality - or just out and out £/$ value beyond charity quality - will be disseminated among family and friends. Sibs have already put their name on a few things!

Time for food... get this scheduled for Friday... back to the hook. Spot the difference...


  1. I had to look up most of those words. I could weave those! Thinking back to seeing them in use, how utterly fundamental they are. My word, how quickly we lose track of life fundamentals!

  2. Well done on the decluttering. I have an electric fan dating back to my days in a flat in London with a hot attic bedroom. I can honestly say I've never once used it in 24 years in Aberdeen!. So far.
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. fall is a super time for spring cleaning... we agree... and we hope for a super result what brings joy to you..

  4. Hi Yam - Once this heat-wave fades I'll get down to more decluttering. I don't know if you know anyone who has a chimera - but friends have said I could use theirs for getting rid of paper etc - so I don't have to shred them. I walk down the road to the 2nd hand bookshop, and to a local charity for other bits and pieces - also rags, broken shoes etc ... that little fan looks amazing - cheers Hilary

  5. I love the colors in the last photo, and the hangers are ART! love that one too. gotcha on the books out of date. i have 3 of those that daddy gave me, the author is long dead, and no one would want them. the people who would are long dead like the books. if we ever get cool days again, i am going to do what you are doing, thin everything in the house. I have a PLAN but it is just to hot to do it.

  6. Purging is so rewarding. Love those mosaic squares!

  7. Hello,
    It feels good to purge and declutter. I am going to go through my closet and do the same. The fan with a timer is a great purchase. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  8. The fan sounds like it would be perfect for power outages around here. I wish I had the energy to declutter!

  9. Purging is a chore that one has to do quickly. Then twice a quick send/take all purged items out of the house before there is time to rethink. 22 C WOW you are having a repeat of Summer.
    I really do love your afghan and the last photos too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. It seems that everyone I know is decluttering. One day I might join in, but that can wait a while!

  11. Sounds like you are making great progress on your downsizing!

  12. I have seen some stunning art work made out of books whoe written content is deemed no longer relevant - it might be kinder to offer them up on a social media market place as a resource for an artist, than to simply consign them to flame without first enquiring.

    1. Hari Om
      Believe it or not, I actually did that last year when I was already thinking of this cull... the anatomy books went in a flash, but the full-on texts had no interest whatsoever... Yxx

  13. Good work, YAM. I still have a couple dozen of the book I wrote. I've been using it for kindling!

  14. You're doing well with downsizing. The difference in the crochet work is the new one is using the colors in the opposite way of the first one.

  15. Letting go is both emotional and somewhat gratifying. Giving items of significance to loved ones can be heartwarming for both giver and recipient. Beautiful little squares with different centers. namaste, janice xx


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