What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

A bird that is not all that common in terms of backyards, though readily spotted when out in the bushland of OZ, is the King Parrot. It is a most strikingly colourful critter - the male with the red bib and head, the female with the green extending over her shoulders, bib and head. They can be quite stand-offish birds... but if one decides it likes you, they are also very regular visitors. My cousin had one who visited every afternoon and who loved to be hand-fed some banana or other items of fruit. I only have a small, poor-quality image of Albert for some reason...

These parrots do have a clear, single-whistle, piercing call that is used in the high tree tops. When waddling around and just enjoying life, though, they mostly mutter away to themselves, occasionally with strange sounds that may or may not be a mimic.


  1. Enjoyed listening to this hi-vis fellow chuntering away to himself this morning!

  2. King Parrots are so colorful and interesting birds. Enjoyed the call video!

  3. Hello YAM,
    What a beautiful parrot, I love his color. The clicking noises are strange. I would love to see this bird in the wild. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  4. I love that, 'mutter away' and can picture it. XX

  5. I love his colors and the chatting to himself is precious. This is the first time seeing one of these, even in movies, photos or on blogs.. I like Nobby's word, chuntering... that is what he is doing

  6. King Parrot is a most handsome bird. Green and Red he could almost be a Christmas bird.
    He does have a pleasing sound.

    Hugs Cecilia

  7. He seems to be checking from time to time that the camera is still focussed on him.

  8. Beautiful and so chatty. namaste, janice xx

  9. Another representative example of Australia’s magnificent avifauna.

  10. What a gloriously colored bird! I also really like your new racy little fan featured in yesterday's post. Bold moves on the decluttering.


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