What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menodgetry; An Update Came Riding...

Android updated to version 14... aka "Upside Down Cake". The Gopika came with Android 12, "Snow Cone", and upgraded to 13, "Tiramisu", only at the beginning of this year. I had not really explored it that much before this one came through on Saturday. Most of what is in the coding remains hidden from user view insofar as it pertains to improved security and solid-state operation. 

However, I have to say there are some very snazzy interface updates. Starting at the lock screen - the bit I can't screenshot, so this image is from the Android website.

I've stopped this demo on the clock face I have chosen. I have selected shortcuts of torch and wallet on the lock screen, too. Changing from PIN to pattern for unlock is also an improvement for me, and the whole thing seems a lot more intuitive. The weather app got a makeover; I love it!

The other bit that interested me most was the upgrade to the camera app. Aside from adjusting to the fact that operations have been switched right to left or left to right (no obvious benefit, so one of those done-for-the-sake-of-it 'improvements'), there are aspects available that were not before and make it a stronger tool, competing even more with a stand-alone item such as my Hisstix. There's a Long Exposure, Night Sight, Active Pan, Panorama... as well as more robust on-unit editing. My first go with the panorama shows I need to keep more level. It's not a tool I have ever used a lot but can be handy for landscape.

I wanted to see what difference the Night Sight would make over standard photo setting, and flash setting - here are three in a row, then; standard, flash and NS.

I like it! (It's very slightly fuzzy, which I take to be that I need to keep a bit more steady and less hasty to finish the shot.) There are times when flash is the better option, but for something like this, the more natural appearance with the NS option is quite pleasing. Previously, I would have to go into manual and fiddle a bit to bring the exposure up to something similar, so am happy with the one-stop shot.

I am still taking photos with the Hisstix, but significantly less, it must be admitted. The one thing it wins shutters down on is when zoom shots are required. The phone still lacks significant zoom capability, and that is a hardware, not software, limitation.

Now - here's your one-week warning that we are yet again approaching Final Friday!!!


  1. I updated 14 yesterday. Haven't looked into it though.

  2. I think my phone is too old for update like that and I am starting to have battery life issues (at least I can change the battery so might resort t that yet). My phone is just for calling and messages anyway - and photos which I wifi to my tablet for storage and blogging, so I don't go in for all the bloatware that comes with new phones. (my phone refused to work a few weeks back and said I need to clear some space. It is a 16GB but only 2GB of that is available to ME. The rest is taken up by sh*t that came with the phone and which I am unable to delete - trust me I have tried but it is locked in. It turns out that about 250 photos (and no documents) is my lot!

    1. Hari OM
      I admit that, having resisted letting go of my old flipfone until March this year (knowing that getting the van would require more current tech), I am now in love with the Gopika - especially as my ancient tablet has finally ceased functioning properly. The Gopika is, as I have written before, a 'pocket tablet' and I use it for reading my newspapers, my Kindle books, my library books... it can basically do everything the Octokan can... but yeah; all those anchored apps that one almost never uses are a bit of bummer. Yxx

    2. I went through my phone and tried to delete the things i will never use, some it said no but some it let me. i deleted all games, all things like that. i tapped every single one and deleted what it allowed. mine doesn't allow to save apps to the SD card, i bought the card thinking i could put apps on it because the other two let me. oh well. I only paid 106 for mine and love it

  3. we have to do the update... but I'm not sure... the phone is always spooky after an update... oh wait... it's shocktober so it has to be like that LOL

  4. Not yet update Android 14 my phone , Thanks for the post.
    Happy Weekend.

  5. Hello,
    I wish I had the newer phone, one that had a better camera. I do like your weather app! The photos are great! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  6. Hi Yam - you're way cleverer than I am ... and I admire your tenacity in reading/looking at/working out all these instructions - me I just want to get up and go - given up on the rest ... but if you were down the road, I'd be round!! Cheers and enjoy the new toy ... Hilary

  7. i got the same update a couple weeks ago on my samsung Yam. the weather thing is nice but mine is so full of ads i don't use it. do you get a lot of ads on your weather app? i love the night light thing also

    1. Hari OM
      I don't get any ads on my weather app, nor on any other of the few apps I do use - thank goodness. Yxx

  8. Whoa Dunoon is wet and very chilly!
    I remain amazed at your techie-NESS.
    Having finally joined the 21 century in Jan 2023 I'm still learning the ins and outs an crazy stuff on my iPhone and what it can do
    Hugs cecilia

  9. I jusyt invested in the new Apple 15, with the big ios 17 upgrade...and have to say, the cameras are getting closer and closer to the Nikon's quality!

  10. My phone is too old for updates anymore, but it's still going strong so there won't be any new phone until it starts to crap out. The Android tablet I have just did an update today, but I haven't seen much difference yet.


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