What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menokreatikkul; Topping Off

You'll recall there was a wee bag of bright colours in a mystery yarn shown last week? I hinted at more wrist warmers. But then I got a bit crazy(er). I practically live in a beanie most of the year. I have always felt the cold on my crown, even in my younger years. Having inherited the balding gene, my once thick and resplendent barnet has whittled down to some rather thready and now very easily tangled strands masquerading as hair. It is as brittle as all get out, and with each combing, there would be enough left on the teeth to weave into a skein. It would never stay in place for longer than an hour and, even with a beanie, looked wild and woolly (witness the first photographs below). I have been considering shaving it all off for a couple of years now. But having lived with long hair virtually my entire life, that's quite a thought.

Then, last Sunday, I was having a fit of frustration with it. Out came the scissors, and twenty inches became two. I may yet resort to the shave, but for now, it's just very short and easily hidden under any one of my beanies.

Which brings me to this week's crochet presentation. Starting with the multicoloured variety. I think I initially had a simple headband in mind... but realised I had sufficient in it - almost - to make a full beanie.

The 'almost' was filled with another colour from my stash (the plum). Working seven colours takes a bit of negotiating, but it was fun, and I was quite chuffed with my made-up pattern. So much so that I decided I wanted to work on the theme and see if I could develop a more continuous method for completing a beanie. The plum used for the 'almost' part of the first one formed the basis of the second attempt. White was the secondary, and some accent scraps to keep it interesting. This time I deliberately enlarged the headband part and worked from the border of that in reducing rounds for the crown... This created a pleasing ruche effect, and with a little more practice, I can probably perfect this technique of beanie-making. I may adapt one to become a tea cosy, too...


  1. You are so very talented and creative. We think the mix of colors is really beautiful.

  2. Before you know it, one for each day of the week and an extra one for holidays.

  3. Productive as ever!
    Looking forward to seeing the new haircut next week.
    Cheers, Gail (a fan of short hair!)

  4. that is super beautiful... the colors are so great in this dark times we have...

  5. I can't tell you how many times in the past few years I have said I want to shave my head.. hair can be so very frustrating. Are we allowed to see the two inches you left? If i lived where you live I would wear a beanie too. the difference being, I would not be making my own and if I did it would not be so creative. I really like the top, looking down on it and on your head. I agree, you are talented and creative with your yarn and other things.

  6. You have been busy, colourfully busy, and now your brain cells will be well protected, and cozy and warm, ready to fire off many more words of wisdom. Maybe they’ll even fire off more instructions to your fingers to get busy again, too!

  7. Hello,
    Love the cute beanies, they are so colorful. You are keeping those fingers busy. Take care, have a great day!

  8. Love your beanies! You are so very creative!

  9. YAM what wonderful colors and pattern. You have magical and talented fingers
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. What a wonderful alternative to dealing with the struggles of aging hair! I really like all the bright and happy colored beanies!!

  11. Great work on the new beanies. You do well with the improv crochet.


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