What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

Another frequently observed Gull in the British Isles is the Black-headed Gull... which is a bit misnamed really because the 'hood' is only present during the active breeding season - and is actually a chocolate-brown and not black at all! It's a much smaller Gull than the Herring or Black-backed varieties and is very widespread across Europe into Asia and is a growing population in the Americas, too. When the hood is not present, there are small black patches behind or across the eye. Their voices are not as raucous as their bigger cousins - but still quite shrill!


  1. Those sure are some noisy birds! BOL!

  2. They are having a screeching competition!

  3. Quite raucous enough for early Saturday morning thank you. And Nobby didn't fail to pick up on the dog bark!
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. They are sure pretty birds and very noisy!

  5. they are lovely to me. and not nearly as loud as ours here. i am fond of gulls, all of them. Beau did not pay attention to any of it. but he doesn't really react to sounds from devices. screeching is a good word for them. I think I can smell salt air

  6. Hello,
    They are noisy birds. The brown head does look black, it is a dark brown. Great video! Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  7. A wonderful chorus from a very attractive gull. I have only ever seen one vagrant individual here in Ontario, at Long Point many years ago. I was unaware that there is an established and apparently growing population in North America. I shall have to check on this!

  8. OMG(ulls) as my daddy used to say when someone was talking loudly
    "They are waking the town and telling the people"
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Beautiful birds. I have never met a seagull that wasn't noisy.

  10. Seagulls have such fun personalities..but it would be great if you could mute them after a bit. lol

  11. Interesting how birds can have different colors naturally throughout a life time. It is more like a sliding scale for us humans. Pretty amazing when one thinks on it. namaste, janice xx


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