What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorikkul; A Sound Or Two

But lots to listen to...

Time to update on podcasts I've been spending time with. You can click the label below the posts to look back over all my recommendations. To be honest, I am a little amazed at how much I enjoy podcasts, given that I don't actually like radio, per se. You'd think there would not be much difference... but I just have no particular interest in radio programmes as such. I guess podcasts lean more towards the audiobook format, and I have definitely gotten into audiobooks. 

Anyway, here are some more that I have deep-dived on and felt rewarded. They would all be classed as 'grown-up' listening. It's not that I don't listen to comedy or entertainment. But mostly, I prefer thought-provoking and socially meaningful items. That said, there is a slightly lighter side to the first of this post's selection - but only slightly. It took place in a lovely little seaside town that when I visited it a few years back, I might have paid even more attention to had I been aware of this story.

πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨ Did one man’s friendship with a dolphin go way – way – too far? It’s 1987 and the British seaside town of Amble has seen much better days. So when a wild bottlenose dolphin nicknamed Freddie appears in the harbour, it feels like a miracle. Everyone wants to swim with him. But Freddie chooses one person above all others: Alan Cooper, a dedicated animal rights activist committed to freeing captive dolphins. Then Alan’s friendship with Freddie is turned against him, and a devastating accusation spirals out of control. πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨

Click the image to go to the Wondery site, where you can select other streaming platforms if you prefer.

There are several series of the Intrigue podcast from BBC Sounds. If you can't access the Beeb, then click the image to go to Spotify (or search on your fave streamer). This series has a science/tech/political interest but from the social impact angle. Worth scrolling right back to the beginning; murder and the lust for power in China... S2 reveals wartime intrigue... S3 escaping under the Berlin Wall... oh go on, it is all... intriguing!

Another from BBC Sounds is The Lazarus Heist. Click the image to go to this presentation of it on YouTube. Warning, you need to go to item 11 on the playlist to get the very first episode. Work from there, then go to item 10 for the interim before going to item 1 and starting the second season. This one is all about computer hacking, big-time money laundering and how need (and in this case, greed) is the mother of invention.

Finally, for today, yet another Beeb offering, but specific to Scotland. This case, however, is something that is likely to be played out in many other places, for there are always predators. No matter how many efforts are made to play that down. 

Clicking the image will take you to the page where all those streaming buttons are 'live' so you can select your preferred platform.


  1. What a good idea for a post! Lots of choices. I am always looking for podcasts! XX

  2. love it...better than watching tv...

  3. I like some radio and some podcasts. There is a fair amount of overlap, to my mind.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. I did listen to the first 10 minutes of the dolphin, even with the pleasant voice and how much I love dolphins, listening is just not my thing. the only thing I find I can listen to are the how too videos on cell phone cameras, not podcast but short videos. I think they are wonderful for people who love them, and I know several other bloggers who listen to them daily and love them.. I fill my spare time with reading stories. I have since I was a small child. and I have tried a few times to listen to the audible books I love and just cannot. my friend here, travels long drives and she puts audbile books in while she drives.

  5. People do love to see the dolphins, I am one of those people. I will check out the link later, I do tend to spend my extra time reading books. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

  6. If I didn't have to wear a swim suit I'd love to swim with Freddie
    Golden retrievers are dogs with the best smiles and dolphins are best smilers in the sea.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I'm always looking for new things to listen to, thanks for the selection!
    Sunny & Rosy

  8. I'm happy you find time for such a lot of things. I'd like to try some of these recommendations. Let me see when I can pinch some time.

  9. More stuff for me to do once things settle down a bit! namaste, janice xx


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