What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menotviewing; A Pupdate Interlude

Rather than bombard you with items from my photo archives, this Tuesday, I bring you the latest news about my sponsor pup, Albus - who seems to be doing very well indeed! Everybody, say, 'Awww'. 


  1. Albus is a beautiful dog. Good luck in this important job you are learning.

  2. So nice to receive updates of the one you care for!

  3. Albus is lucky. I'm saying that in contrast to the infinite number of stray dogs i see every day here in my place.

  4. Some much needed good news here. Well done Albus! I was interested to see the platform training. Here in Aberdeen I've rigged up a slightly wobbly platform for Nobby to practice stepping on to - this is to help train him for the seesaw in agility. Apparently its particularly common for terriers to object to walking on things that move!
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. oh all the good luck to albus... maybe he becomes the canine version of da albus dumbledore?

  6. Hi Yam - that's so wonderful to see ... so pleased for you and for Albus - while Ellie sounds a delight and dedicated to her cause. Congratulations - cheers Hilary

  7. the video brought tears to my eyes, he is so smart and beautiful and will be someones means to a happy life. i learned a lot about how they train them, like the curb thing. i have often wondered. I also enjoyed hearing the trainers beautiful voice.

  8. Great work you are doing, YAM. I have some experience of this. While never having been a trainer, I did many years of volunteer work for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, and was exposed to many people with guide dogs. They are wonderful animals indeed.

  9. Albus is a beautiful dog. Good luck to Ellie and Albus. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead!

  10. Albus is so handsome and we wish him the very best with his training!

  11. I absolutely love Albus' very happy and eager face and keep up the good work my handsome friend.
    Ellie is a fun trainer!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Handsome and smart...Albus is going to be a pawsome helper for someone!

  13. Albus is such a cutie and doing so well in his training.

  14. That is a wonderful post! Good work, YAM! XX


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