What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

When it comes to the transition from the truly Classical period in music to what was termed 'Modernist' music, Igor Stravinsky is generally considered the leading composer - even the progenitor/instigator for the shift into wild, raw, unruly (sometimes even called obscene) music. When the Firebird suite first played, audiences walked out! Scandalous 'noizikuls', apparently... every new musical style has had to face its critics! Gotta love the heavy strings, the solid timpani, the thrilling wind and the thrumming brass (you know, the metal stuff...)


  1. Sorry but I haven't even played it based on your description. I got ambushed this week by that style of music in a program I was watching about the Elphi new opera building in Hamburg. Ouch! I turned off the sound and just enjoyed the pictures.

  2. For once, a familiar piece. I remember how exciting I found this when I first heard it (a very long time ago).
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Hi Yam - wonderful thank you ... such a great piece - and on looking gave me some of the words from the poem that might have inspired the ballet ... which I'll use next week, and secondly might refer to in my very curtailed Diaghilev post - cheers Hilary

  4. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed this piece. Take care, have a great day!

  5. His music is always so exciting!

  6. I was about to say I would have walked out, but realized I would never have walked in. I listened to pieces of it and way to frantic for me.. it always amazes me how different people here or see things in other ways. like Molly says exciting, i am sure if Molly or anyone who loves clasical heard my preferred music. thankful there are different sounds and sights and people who see them through their one ears/eyes or the world would only have one type of music, no choices.

  7. I too like the brass and strings...
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I really enjoyed the energy of the piece, and the enthusiasm of the orchestra members!!

  9. Truly Amazing , Great to listen, Thanks for sharing


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