What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menootery, But Mostly Innery

Many of you, dear readers, are already aware that I had Nobby and his Gail come to stay last week for a few nights. There was some blessedness going on insofar as, despite all the gloom in the sky and the hiding of the hills in the clouds that refused to lift themselves up, it didn't actually rain upon my visitors - or myself on the one outing I made with them. In fact, the sun broke through; just on our wee bit, but that was all we needed!

I am saving most of the photos for next Tuesday's Views post... but here's a wee teaser movie to show something of the energy of our wee pal.

As Nobby himself confessed, there was a fair amount of noise - particularly the first 24 hours; to be honest, a bit of mystery, but the wee fellow seemed determined to keep all imps, gremlins and ghouls at bay! He got over that (mostly) after a couple of outings, and he had reacquainted himself with Dunoon's pleasant walks. Yes, I believe there was one ditch dive and subsequent reservoir rinse-off required!

That morning walk along the promenade wasn't enough to tire him out (he was very good and seemed to understand this auld wummin couldn't go faster than slugs), so Gail gave him a two-hour outing on the second arvo, and that seemed to do the trick! He even left us alone for most of the rugby match when it might have been me frightening the neighbours...

Soon enough, it was time for them to pack up and head back east. I love that this is now familiar and that one is left with the memories of good conversation and a little more learned about one's friend and that there is a looking forward already to when next we will meet.


  1. Hi YAM-aunty,
    I hope you are keeping safe in your 'Hutch' now that I am not there to alert you to all the threats...

  2. You are such a cutie, Nobby!

  3. Nobby's middle name should me energetic, for sure. So nice that sunshine came out for your walk about. I see the dark skies looming behind Gail and Nobby.

  4. A lovely little dog who no doubt brightened your life with his company, and you had four wheels and two legs and he could still beat you in a foot race!

  5. Nobby is so cute, love the video. Take care, have a great day!

  6. YAM we were clapping and smiling thru this post. Just lovely to have a friend visiting and she brings such lively entertainment. Boy those were some black clouds in the first photo. A good time had by all

    Hugs cecilia

  7. How fun that you all can get together once in a while. Nobby was doing you a great service chasing away all those gremlins.

  8. Nobby sure is a busy little guy. Sounds like you all had a great time!

  9. Fun having visitors! love the skies. Take care! XX

  10. Nice to see Nobby and even nicer to see your wheelie!


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