What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorkery; An Explainer And A Reminder

You'll have gathered from yesterday's aberration of a post that the week kinda snuck up on me! To be honest, I thought I had scheduled items for this week... oh well. 

A few questions arose among you regarding the process of creating that image. Hmm - First, let me say I won't be trying that again any time soon. It's just what happens when you realise at nearly two in the morning that you didn't have a post up. I tried first just a grey-haired lady shrugging her shoulders and looking blank. Then tweaking that with wearing a shawl, short hair... cropped hair... Cartoon style. The first half dozen kept coming back looking like Ingrid Bergman. Waaaaaay too glam. Another half dozen tries by adding in a round face, hands raised, rotund, thinnish lips, well-sized eyes... of the choices, you saw the most human and, actually, as cartoons go, not a million miles off the mark. Good enough that I dared to display it! The rest were truly grotesque (the missing thumb on that one is only a hint of what others looked like!)

As a comparison, I show you the head 'toon drawn of me some thirty years back by a Sydney street artist...

All I have for you today, after that, is a reminder (prompt?) that next week it is Final Friday yet again, and you are invited to come up with a feature post to share a bit of what is going on for you - photos, poems, short stories, news items... it can be anything you like but just a little bit more than usual to make a feature of it. Check out the guidelines on the "rulez" page. But how about a little extra challenge just for the heck of it? If you have access to an image creator, see if you can come up with a cartoon avatar that has a passable resemblance... Have a fabby weekend, everybody.


  1. The street artist did a fabulous job!

  2. Didn't know you then of course - do you think it was a fair representation? - hold it up to a mirror before you answer that.

    1. Hari OM
      As fair as the one produced by AI yesterday... bearing in mind that cartoons are not portraits! Yxx

  3. that looks great... we are ready for the furryday ;O)

  4. I like this portrait, looks lovely. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  5. I cannot draw a straight line with a ruler...maybe I could draw with the help of AI...
    Love it and I'm ready for next FFF
    Hugs cecilia

  6. i have not trie to make a sketch of myself, and already have both blogs on auto post. but will sometime give it a try. i see a resemblance in this sketch today and also the ai looks a little like this drawing.

  7. Thanks for the explanation. I have to say I don't see much of the present day Yam in that cartoon either.
    Cheers, Gail.

  8. Not forgetting FFF this month :-). Still like the real you better!

  9. The drawing is great! I can't draw to save my soul.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.