What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

One of my favourite things to do over October/November is keep an eye open for the arrival of the Fieldfares as they migrate from Russia and Scandinavia to over-winter here. I missed them last year. When they do come, they favour resting high in the giant Beech trees in our backyard. It means that any photo I take is always against the light... but just occasionally, I get lucky.


  1. I too love seeing the fieldfares, but haven't spotted any this year 😕

  2. such a precious bird, cute, beautiful, and i even love his chitter chatter.. new bird for me. of course they come from colder climate to your cold climate so none in Florida. thanks for sharing and your photo is beautiful

  3. What a beautiful bird he is!

  4. Hello, YAM
    Your Fieldfare is a pretty bird. Their sound is similar to the Mockingbirds I hear here. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Sounds like typewriters of yore!

  6. Are they the ones with red under their wings? We don't see them so much (don't they stick to more rural settings than ours?) But we got a lot over a week or so a few years ago in a particularly bad winter. They had birdspotters hanging out under the trees by the college for days.

    1. Hari OM
      Nope... the Redwings are a smaller bird, still of the Thrush family - but the two are often 'cross identified'. Yxx

  7. Fieldfares sound a bit like Angel Madi did when was bird watching from her window perch. It was a combo of chirp and chit chit. At breakfast, I was enjoying our wild birds eating at the feeders...then I heard a Hawk they all scattered.
    Hugs and thank you for introducing it to us. Off to click on the link you provided.

  8. I never imagined they migrate from Russia! Wow. There is so much I don't know about your and of the world.

  9. Your Fieldfares look similar to our Robins...although their sounds are different

  10. Hi Yam - demanding little things aren't they - I love the sound of their name ... and yes amazing how far they travel to join us here - cheers Hilary


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