What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorvation; A Final Friday Feature

Regular readers will be aware that I am rather partial to a podcast or dozen. Some are limited series, others are ongoing. It is a privilege to listen to so many wonderful things 'free to air'... albeit quite often interrupted by advertising. I listen not just for entertainment or escapism (in fact, rarely that) but to exercise the little grey cells. Keeping the mind and intellect functioning at a higher register than just the daily 'what's to eat?' mechanics. Life's small tasks are essential for physical function, but we, the Human Critter, have been blessed with something that can take us well beyond that. (I am not just talking about imagination - other critters are likely to have that ability, too.) The gift of reasoning must be nurtured; however, it can be utilised against as much as for us as a society, mainly due to another part of our processing unit known as the ego, which can be right little mischief.

This is not to be a philosophical post, though (at least not directly). I am once again going to impress upon you the value of listening to (and reading about) history. Many great leaders verse themselves, in particular, in Roman and Greek history, as they attempt to avoid the pitfalls of democratic governance and seek to improve. At least, the good leaders do. Some just look at the tyranny and think, "I'll have a bit of that, ta..." Either way, they look to history. Some attempt to rewrite it when they get to a place of power.

That is why podcasts such as Empire are so essential. Yes, I'm banging on about that again. William Dalrymple and Anita Anand - and a host of excellent guest presenters - have sought to delve widely and deeply and are attempting to leave no stone unturned in seeking to understand what drives human societies at different times to rise to prominence and then fade away again. Looking at empires means looking at the prevailing societal culture and pressures, the individuals who develop as leaders, their 'enablers', motivations and aims... and finding the commonalities between them all with a desire to understand how things stand in our current page of history.

I have been an avid listener since the pod began in August 2022 and when, after the recent conclusion of the Russian Empire series, in which Anne Applebaum brought us right up to date with Putin's mark on history and filling in the picture on Ukraine, it was announced that a 'club' was being launched, I did something I very rarely do. I joined. Not a superficial yes, please, but the full Gold Membership level. It's a tad rash of me, but this is how much I adore this programme. Now I get the gold lettering on my club feed, with no ads and bonus episodes. I will not be availing myself fully of the £300 subscription, as any live shows (for which I would be given a ticket) are not likely to be nearby... and the book discounts can only be applied at a single outlet where even with the 20% off, they cost more than my preferred Kindle options**. But I parted with my carefully tended savings because I have already so much appreciated the first fifteen months and look forward to the next twelve - it works out at something like 35p per day. I consider this a very cost-effective education! Yes, there is stuff that I already know, but being reminded is no bad thing. There is a great deal that I didn't know, though, and even the presenters have sometimes been taken aback at what their (and their team's) research has brought out.

Being in the club meant joining up at something called Discord. A rather unfortunate name for a place where one goes to share words with fellow "Empirees". 

Conveniently, that thing emails me when there are a bunch of new messages, so I don't have to have it open all the time on my 'shelf'. There are another four or five gold members, so I am not the only one lost to the charm of this gig! There is a booklist and recommendations thread, a questions thread, episode-specific threads, series threads... and everyone is there for the one unifying thing: a fab programme with personable hosts and heaps of suggestions for follow-up research..........and you know me and that particular warren!

Through this network, too, one learns of other related viewing and listening options. One such is...

Click the image to go to the podcast source.
A joint production between the Australian Broadcasting Company and Canadian Broadcasting Company, I have already devoured the whole first series and into the second by the time you read this. 

In these days of recognising how the victors not only wrote the history (according to their glorification) but also looted and plundered, this pod takes a sharp look at museums (and some private collections) and asks big questions. I was immediately connected to the subject matter in only the second episode of series one. I lived in Benin City for some time and visited the museum there - as well as the live foundries that still create bronzes for the tourist market... though rarely to the standard of craftsmanship of the ancient pieces held by the British Museum. I found myself making use of the paper hankies throughout... This is a fresh and different angle to take on history, so stick this one on your listening list!

**As a footnote to this feature post, I will say that one book did actually work out cheaper with the club discount than the Kindle version (very unusual!)...

I am only on chapter three at the time of writing, but I can highly recommend this if you have any interest at all in exploring the state of world politics a little further. AA is a consummately smooth writer, so the reading is easy - though the concepts explored demand stopping quite often to mull them over and place them in context three years from publication (Orig. 2020) 

Ms Applebaum and I would likely part ways on some issues, but there is no denying her depth of understanding and insight, particularly on matters in Eastern Europe. 

There you go, another Final Friday Featured... what have you all got to offer in return? 

I scheduled this post a week ago... then on Sunday, an article appeared echoing exactly my point about the currency of history...(click this link to read it). As the programme being discussed is on the BBC, I am not sure whether those of you outside the UK will see it - but if you have access to Beeb shows in some way, it is quite likely one that will be shown internationally.


  1. Gail has been listening to the Empire podcast now and then. Meanwhile, I have been writing something for Final Friday Feature: We can't get the link thingy working this morning, but this is the url:

  2. that sounds very interesting... we will join the listener crew...

  3. The podcast sounds interesting. It is good to exercise those little grey cells. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  4. Shall check out the Empire podcast. Thanks for the heads up!

  5. Enjoy your new subscription and you will be smarter and have more brain cells than anyone we know by the time the subscription ends. I am off to excerise my brain cells reading Nobby''s agility story

  6. I do so need to rediscover my enjoyment of reading. I seem to get quickly bored with most things i have tried to read lately. Podcasts are a whole world I haven't ventured i to yet. Here's my offering to the feature day https://tiggerswee-blog.blogspot.com/2023/11/peaceful-co-existence.html xx TM

  7. I adore reading...of all kinds and styles. This far I have never used audio books.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That sounds like an interesting podcast. There are so many interesting ones to choose from.


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Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.