What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

A wee Boxing Day bundle from the winter archives;

And up to date... I finished my socks. For dinner, I opted to add my soy mince to the lovely thick tattie and leek soup made yesterday, plus some Brussels sprouts, then baked a big Yorkshire pudding in the air fryer, plated with some cranberry sauce, with a cheeky wee Bundaberg Ginger Beer to wash it down. That'll do... how was your day?


  1. You have an exquisite photographic sense.

  2. Wonderful variety of photos. The snow gives me goose bumps, looks very cold. I love your socks! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  3. Love your beautiful shots and your socks are so pretty and look so warm and your dinner looks delicious!

  4. food looks yummy, socks are so cute and cozy warm looking. congrats on the socks. I LOVE THE WINDOW SHOT.... gorgeous.. I see you had sunshine. must have been ours, we have had 2 days and 4 more to go with no sun which is unheard of here. all the photos are really good. I am trying to make myself do more peek not speak because i go on and on and on, but not having much luck

  5. YAM the festive decorations at the Hutch window are perfect.!!!
    Your meal is beautiful and tasty that is a win win and your feets were warm too.
    Perfect Christmas
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I like the socks! A wet Christmas Day in Tacoma but gloriously sunny for an energising hike to a viewpoint with Mt Rainier in the background this morning.
    Cheers, Gail.

  7. Great socks and most envious of that Yorkshire pudding - the real deal, none of those tasteless cardboard from the freezer section of the supermarket.

  8. Your socks look great and very warm. Dinner looks tasty too.


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