What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menokreatikkul; Hooking Up A Storm

I teased you with a glimpse of a WIP last week. No prizes were offered for guessing it was to be a shawl. In it, I have been using up almost all that was left of my late mother's hand-spun dark Merino (the really chocolatey one) and (I discovered a label in her hand fixed inside it) a Soay/Cheviot blend (the greyish-brown aka taupe). Both yarns still contained a discernible amount of lanolin, so working with it was a wee tad sticky at times, but still a delight. The darker yarn was the heaviest, a strong Aran, borderline bulky skein, so that determined the hook size and the need to add a second lighter skein to the taupe yarn, as that was closer to DK. I had a little chocolate cotton ball to use up, as well as a dark grey skein. The two of those were just (and only just!) sufficient to bulk out the lighter yarn to match the dark. Additionally, on a couple of the groupings, I used instead a cream/ecru yarn, creating yet more dimension to the piece. 

Then, as neither of the home yarns was sufficient in themselves for a whole shawl, I added in (for it wouldn't be a YAMster were there a lack) some colour! This came from the newly acquired Alpaca blend stash, I used Aran weight "Nepal" in rust and corn gold. I also had a fragment of scarlet left from an old project, which I opted to incorporate. 

So, without further ado, here is the beauty shot of the Heritage Trellis Shawl...

Again, the colour is a little deeper than this photograph shows, but it's not too far off. You can see there is a nice 'drape' to the finished fabric, which has a good bit of heft to it. I opted for a 6mm hook (J/10 in American terms or size 4 in UK terms). I can only estimate the amount of home yarn used at around 450gm and of the gold, about 75gm, the orange, 90gm. The additional threads were scraps. For the really keen, and to read a bit more about the yarns and have a go at it yourselves, click the link above the image. I'd be thrilled if one or two of you made a stab at following my pattern - the first I have ever attempted to write. I am sure it could be improved for understanding, so feedback would be welcomed. Here ya go, another angle to revel in that lush texture...

I am now considering fastening it up the front and turning it into a poncho... if that happens, I'll show you! As to the Drops yarn - I am well pleased with it. So much so, that I did go and make another order while that sale was on! A tad indulgent, but really, at those prices, there can be no complaint. Once I'd finished the HTS, I was sitting on Sunday rather twiddling my thumbs... so picked up one of the 4-ply "Flora" skeins and selected a 3mm hook... by Monday evening, I was wearing these...

Far from perfect, but not a bad second go at making mitts with fingers. Yes, I did make a single slot for the ring and pinky fingers! Being Alpaca and wool, they are super warm. On Tuesday evening, I picked up the non-Drops yarn to start a pair of socks...

You'll either hear how that goes... or you won't. Never made socks before. The slipperettes may have prepared me somewhat, but this is kind of a different deal.

Now I made some discoveries recently that I want to share... but this post is getting long, so will do that tomorrow! Hooroo the noo.


  1. So much hooky beauty!! Love the textures and colors of the shawl....great job on the gloves and good luck with the socks!!

  2. Guess what? your shawl is in the trending colors here in USA.. all of these colors are now on the trending list. I love the way is drapes in the back and think turning it into a poncho is a great idea, easier to use when out moving about. I am happy for you that you found things yous love to do and learning new ways to do it, while forced to stay inside by winter storms

  3. Your shawl is just beautiful and those mitts are so nice and warm this time of year. I wish I liked to knit socks but I don't. I"m anxious to hear how it goes for you.

  4. In addition to all in this post being beautiful, this was fun and interesting to read. And how I admire you for all the knowledge you have and shared.

  5. Hello,
    Your shawl is beautiful, I love all the colors too. The gloves are cute too. Good luck with the socks. Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Give a whole new meaning to being a happy hooker!

  7. These are lovely colours! Our talented Yam!

  8. Your shawl turned out great! I'm not a shawl wearer or have anyone to make one for so I won't be venturing out with your pattern. Good job writing it down so you could make another and to share though. Your mitts look very warm and comfy too and those socks sure are vibrant!


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