What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menottering; And Fading

The year has all but been and gone... and next week is the Final Friday of not just the month but of 2023... worth producing a post about? I hope that one or two of you at least will still join me in my regular monthly meme post and the last use of this particular 'badge'. I have a brand new one to reveal for 2024! In the meantime, I hope your festive week is shaping up nicely...

Now, yesterday I mentioned some discoveries in relation to working yarns... I admit to being a tad mystified as there has been a change wrought upon the naming of yarns that seemed to take place in stealth. It is likely a lot of you reading this who are yarn-ducks like me, will already be aware of these things. In case not, though, I thought you might also appreciate these charts. 

I wish I could recall where I found the yardage chart... but anyway, it is useful for planning yarn purchases or deciding what one has in stash might be useful for. The blue metre figures have been calculated and added by yours truly. The second chart adds dimension to understanding;

This was the one I really wanted! Now, I am grasping the numbering system and the different terminology between the UK and the USA. I am grateful to The Orry Mill for this conversion grid.

Finally, a spanner was thrown in just as I was coming to terms with the above when the Drops yarns arrived and had categories based on letters instead! Apparently, this is a thing, and so am grateful for the following;

All good fun, eh what?! Anyhoo, onward into the festive weekend. A reminder that there will be no Saturday posts whilst we get through the next two - and possibly not in January either, depending on how I go. 


  1. It is good to have a great stash of yarn. Happy Holidays, Take care, have a great weekend!

  2. Those are great charts to have! Merry Christmas to you and your family, YAM!

  3. As mystical as Mandarin to me. What is not mystical, however, are my sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. David

  4. very interesting charts, gotta love these techy ways of finding things we did not know about and can use. I hope you will be doing something fun for the week ends off. our days are the same, 365 days a year, never changes. it getting pretty sickening too..

  5. Good morning and happy Christmas Eve Eve YAM
    Yes I do plan to continue posting on FFF.
    I never ever knew there were so many facts about yarn.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I like to crochet, but had no idea there's so much to know about yarn.

  7. It is really complicated! I am glad you figured it out. I've been working on a door sweep. There is always something! XX

  8. I find all the yarn designations to be very confusing. Especially when some things with the same designation vary so much in thickness. At least all the charts give you a place to start with figuring out how much yarn you need for any project.


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