What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menookering; A Case Of The Spends

A few days back, Tigger's Mum asked us what would be the one thing we would do if our time was limited at Christmas. It was prompted by her own shortage of time to prepare and that she would probably make the cake. I realised that my response to that question tied in somewhat with some new equipment recently acquired.

The one thing I need to do for myself at Christmas (regardless of time) is ensure that I make myself a full and proper celebratory meal. Over the past year or so, I have noticed a tendency to 'make do'. My appetite is doing that thing that happens with age and is only sometimes up to thinking I am hungry, as well as not always wanting to eat everything prepared. I am far from starving, fret not, but I have recognised that I need to be a little more attentive to my diet, which, till now, has always been second nature to me. Last year, I shared with you my skillet festive feast. I have been producing most of my food on the stovetop (or the microwave) and avoiding my oven. It's a beast of a thing. Very large family-sized and slightly wonky on the door. It just eats the power when switched on - devours it. Even if I did a batch bake (which I just wouldn't do, coz who would eat it?!), it would still be so heavy on the power. For several years now, then, I have not produced anything roasted or baked. I have also fallen into a repetitive, quick and easy round of foods that serve their purpose but are somewhat uninspiring. This is the main reason there has still not been any more YAM in the Kitchen vids produced.

My 10-year-old microwave started playing up earlier this year, and I have been nursing it along, not making it work too hard, but it finally gave up in mid-October. I waited until November rolled over and then started checking for the onset of Black Friday deals. I wished to not only replace the m/wave, but do so with one that had a small footprint and slightly lower power usage than the old one. This is because it will ultimately be going into The Grey. I got a good deal on this one (and only on the red colour - what a shame, eh?!)

It not only has better dimensions and looks very pretty, but it seems to be more efficient than the older one, despite being lower in power. [side note: did you know that the wattage generally given for microwaves indicates only the output - i.e. cooking power - but that the input power drawn is higher. This Comfee model is an 800w oven but draws 1400w to operate. That's still very efficient and, of course, very fast, so cost-effective in these costly times.] Baking a potato in my old 900w model would take eight minutes on average. This one did it in five minutes!

Now, you know what those algorithmics are like... because I was searching cookware, I got other things flashed at me - notably, air fryers. All the rage, aren't they? I have been pondering whether I would or should or could justify getting one... but in that couple of weeks that I was waiting for BF, no less than three of my fave van channels did reviews of their air fryers, and they do seem to be a good solution for van life. Anyway, the Big A started shoving deals at me for some, and the Tower basic model 4.2ltr size was going at a 40% discount - which amounted to £35 - it was just too good to pass up. Again, I did look at the small size, but it remained at full price and was actually more than the larger one at full. No brainer. While the Tower is almost the same size as the m/wave, I am quite glad of the larger capacity basket because when I had Mac1 here last week, anything smaller might have looked a tad stingy. The basket part in which the food is placed only takes up a little over a third of the total dimensions of the thing. 

Forgive the floury handprints - I was keeping it busy! I will go into some specifics and tell you more about the machine in tomorrow's post, but let me put out a teaser and tell you that I have rapidly fallen in love with my Tower, and may Heaven protect anyone who thinks they might try to separate us... this thing is a game-changer. I am producing food I haven't thought about in years!

So, wheeling back to F's query about what the one thing I would choose to do for Christmas is - a baked meal of nut roast, Brussels sprouts, parsnips, Yorkshire puds, and all the trims. Mm-mmmmmmm...

(Note to self: remember to buy the cranberry jelly...)

It must be confessed that I got stuck in on Black Friday for the first time ever. It's not an occasion that I really knew about until I stayed with Dad. In fact, I didn't really have much truck with the Big A until then, either. Shopping is not a pastime I enjoy. However, there have been a few things that I have wanted for The Grey that are practical van things, but I deliberately waited for BF. It was worth it. I finally got my CCTV camera and recording set for half-price. I got an all-purpose fire extinguisher with a third off. Then there is the tyre pressure digital gauge and pump, another half-price deal. Plus a couple of add-ons for the camera system, as well as some accoutrements for the air fryer...

Nothing frivolous, all with a purpose... now I just need to get going on The Grey again! The year - and crochet - sort of took over! But these things have me excited, so I need to ensure they have their spaces reserved on board.

I have half a notion to be away for Christmas, even if it is just along the coast a wee distance... I keep saying these things out loud, now to slap myself into action...

Anyway, I am well-pleased with my first serious BF-a-thon. It helped that I had a list (of sorts) and recommendations in the case of the extinguisher, CCTV and air pump. All that with meaningful cost reductions. I have also stretched to a rather pricier item (though it was also on sale with the best part of a hundred quid off). I have to wait a few weeks for that, though, until it gets built and sent out by Mr Wang and Mr Zhang of Zero Zero Robotics. This one is the 'Christmas pressie' to myself, being not as directly functional as the stuff just mentioned, but - hopefully - will prove mighty useful as I seek to record more of what is going on in the YAMster's life.

See you tomorrow with Tower Tales...


  1. Stunned and impressed at the same time. Interested to see what the air fryer can do. Mr B's daughter has one (two actually to cater for a family roast) but is not the most inspired cook so apart from roasts and chips (and chips and chips) I am unaware of what else it is capable of cooking and how it might come out. Mr B's choice of microwave has conventional oven functions but it is absolutely useless at them and wasn't worth the investment is additional features. I absolutely love your read one. Appliances are usually so boring. I'm still inclined to plan an 'oven' into my newbuild kitchen - whether electric or other I have not yet decided. I have a friend who swears by her dual fuel Arga but I am not sure I can be bothered with the lead time that has to go into any cooking plans. I do however like the idea of having a plan B - dual fuel options. Maybe that just means a BBQ on the porch and an earth oven in the yard. Who knows - maybe I'll turn into a prepper and build a solar oven....

    1. Hari OM
      As you'll read tomorrow, the A/f is simply a mini oven. A bit fiercer, so some adjustment and full attention required, but yeah, it's fab! My grans and most of my aunts cooked for most of their lives on Aga stoves. One uncle still uses one. They are grand for the slow life and as long as you know in advance what you want to eat at the other end of the day! Yxx

  2. I too like the look of the new microwave. The one I inherited with the cottage is useful but is at probably 30 years old and even at max power takes forever to cook the sweet potato that I add to Nobby's kibble. I'll be interested in how you get on with the air fryer. As you say, it seems to be the latest 'must have' kitchen equipment, but I'm always reluctant to buy new stuff unless I feel a clear need.
    Cheers, Gail.

    1. Hari OM
      Absolutely, and that is why I have resisted until now - but even my sibs were advocating for it when we were together; simply because they do make such sense for a single person, in particular, to save on electricity usage as well as speed things up for cooking (typically 30-40% less time required v conventional oven). Yxx

  3. we want an air fryer too... we neeeed one :O)

  4. Hello,
    There were some great Black Friday deals on Amazon. My BF shopping was Christmas presents for my grandsons. I like your new red microwave. I have been thinking about the air fryer, but I am always reminded of my counter space . I hope you share some of your recipes and meals cooked in the A/F. I would be happy to take off in the van and go to the beach for the holidays. Take care, have a great day!

  5. Our microwave was in the house when we bought it in 2003 and it is still functioning perfectly! As for an air fryer, we keep thinking about it, but never seem to get beyond the thinking stage. One of my grandsons has one and he is very taken with it.

  6. I am happy for you that your got those BF deals, and are so happy with what you bought. i love red in the kitchen. everyone i know that has an air fryer loves it. i made the mistake of replace my convection oven with a ninja oven that is air fryer and all kinds of things. i should have returned it because i disliked it from day 1. the people i know that love theirs have the tower or pot style like you got. can't wait to see what you can cook. i have an oven but never use it

  7. I suggested air fryer to my wife but she wasn't particularly enthusiastic. So let's wait.

  8. I never wanted an AireFryer but my brother gave me one for my birthday this year. It took awhile for me to get used to it but I have to say that I'm over it and I actually like it! I've cooked a steak in it and a pork chop and perogies and even poached eggs and they all came out wonderfully.

  9. Well YAM you know I'm 100% in awe of your red Microwave.....oh yes indeedy.
    You did make some fine and necessary purchases on BF. I don't have an air fryer yet. I've never seen one work or the food that comes from it. Maybe once I did I'd say I definitely need one.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Hi Yam - I was offered an air-fryer - but as with many things they go by the board around here - so said 'nay thanks!' ... but I know people swear by them ... not me. I don't even use a microwave - can't stand the things ... not sure why - when I was a-growing and a 20 something I had every kitchen thingie in the world ... actually those I still have - but don't use, as I don't tend to cook for others - I'm afraid a quick trip to a good supermarket does the trick. Such is life ... I'm happy ... cheers and looking forward to tomorrow's post - Hilary

  11. I am looking forward to seeing what you create in the AF. I have one, but am in a recipe rut.
    I do think the air compressor is the best purchase you can make for Van Life(or RVing). We have used ours so much Ed has recently gotten a "back up"!

    Congrats on your wonderful BF deals!

  12. Looks like you made some great BF buys. Can't wait to see what you cook up in them.


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