What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

A handful of shots that are pure nature...


  1. oooh a post for us... we love this guiys, sadly we have none here ...

  2. Those tree rats can be quite cute...

  3. Hello,
    The squirrels are cute, the flowers are pretty. Nature is grand! Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. I showed the first photo to bob and he said, he looks like our squirrels and they do and he also said he looks like a little devil. that is what we call ours. the little devils are throwing avocados on the roof, the little devils are on the back fence. excellent photos of your little devils. we have a love/hate relationship with them

  5. Yesterday there were nine squirrels in my backyard, fighting for control of the bird feeders. Such is the nature of their day. I am quite sure that they convene each morning and say, “Let’s scamper off and drive David crazy.” They are very successful. If they had a name, like a sports team, they would be The Marauders.

  6. MOL MOL YAM I gave the squirrels your GPS glad to see they made it across the pond. GREAT up close photos of their cute little faces and adorable hands
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I do especially like the thistles.

  8. Squirrels are really fascinating animals. It's always a fun watching them look and move around!

  9. Lovely Squirrel :) Beautiful clicks

  10. Squirrels would be cute if they weren't such a menace to the ecosystems they have invaded here. They must be coming under pressure in the New Forest as the population of pine martens is recovering there quite quickly it seems. Lovely photos as ever from you.

  11. Those squirrels look quite well fed. We aren't seeing so many here right now with the bitter cold:)

  12. We would love to chase those squirrels!


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