What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

I have succumbed - this year's Sunday "bon mots" series are mostly going to be arranged on images I have managed to tease out of the AI generator on my PixlR app - some might still be from photos from my archives and tizzied - others full AI. 

As for the quotes themselves, many will be re-runs. After many years of doing this, finding originals is growing increasingly difficult! This is not an impediment, for the reason the quotes linger as they do is that we require constant reminding of the truths that lie within them - or need prompting to think deeper by their inspiration.

As we begin the year properly, I take this opportunity to post only my own words. To refresh the understanding of the need to live under the influence of capital 'ell' Love. 

The Love that passes all understanding. 

The Love that knows no bounds. 

The Love that is truly selfless and undemanding. 

The Love that responds only with compassion, but not without toughness where required. 

The Love that frees and does not bind.

The Love expressed by a simple smile, and that can change a stranger's day.

The Love that knows how to give - and when to give.

The Love that accepts, where nothing else will do.

The Love that forgives, even in remembrance of pain.

The Love that knows the universal nature of our connections and seeks always to nourish them... and

The Love that can sit in angst and prayer for those who face times and places in which that Love has become thin, damaged, eroded...

Love does prevail. It is the candle in the darkened room. It only takes one match to light it. 


  1. What can transcend love?
    You have some nice poetry here. Candle in a darkened room!

  2. I was interested to note how several of the people I spent time with in the USA were using forms of AI (Bard and ChatGPT) almost as a matter of course. How quickly these things get absorbed into our daily lives!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Love is an overworked word, as in “I love my new iPad,” or “I love the burgers at Joe’s Burger Shack.” Perhaps if we started to use it correctly we might get back to its true meaning and exhibit a little more of it.

    1. so true, i am guilty of overusing the word love in everything..

  4. Love mean less saying and more doing for me.
    May you be able to live your year exactly the way you want to. Happy New Year.

  5. Yes we need more love and less hate. Your poem and words are inspiring. Take care, have a great week!

  6. thanks, and thanks again. I do need to hear things again. i just came from a blog that slapped my face with info I know is true but the reminder reminded me. quotes become quotes because we need to quote them over and over to remind ourselves to do them... as david said, i am guilty of over use of the word love and it is not the ELL love

  7. We agree with eileen. More love and less hate is what we need in this world.

  8. Sunshine here and our world going a bit mad (will email) but the reminder about what underlies (or should do so) the motivation for all these things we do is very welcome.

  9. Thank you YAM. It is troubling to see some humans at their worst behavior when out and about. Of course bad behavior screams in your face. Let's try to seek out the kind people all around us.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. If only we could help others lead with Love.

  11. Much of humanity may need to have this post stuck on their walls. And not forget to look at it as a daily reminder. Thank you for it.

  12. So beautifully said and illustrated. If everyone could give just a little bit more love, what a different world we could experience!!!

  13. Such a beautiful message that we wish could be sent around the world.

  14. We enjoyed your poem tribute to Harper...Hugs C&B

  15. Hi Yam - you and Inger say it well ... we just need people to care more and be responsible for that caring ... cheers and Happy New Year - Hilary

  16. Love - One nice positive and powerful word with so many shades of meaning, depending upon the people and the context.


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