What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoooooorrrk!!! A Menoturals Post

I spotted this photograph when reading the paper on Wednesday and was immediately enchanted by Harriet - and that she is purported to be 35 years old! According to this site, these owls have been known to reach 30 in captivity - but of course, Harriet is clearly free to wander, so living her life, but doing so as one of the villagers. She is clearly an old girl now... thus the image carries so much message in it. I love this. How about you?


  1. I'm in love with Harriet, too. Long life to you, pretty woman.

  2. That's great, Thanks for sharing

  3. That's a truly striking photo. Harriet looks so dignified in the old age. An ancient giant owl in the fog is not at all the image of Zimbabwe one expects to see. Thanks!

  4. Seeing a photo of a giant sea owl casually sauntering along the road looking for all the world (and I really shouldn’t compare her to a human) like an old lady wandering about deep in thought with her arms down by her side isn’t a daily occurrence.
    Thanks for sharing - I’m with you - love it!

  5. Wow, I did not know an owl could live for 35 years. The deforestation seems to be a problem around the world. I feel sorry for the birds and animals loosing their habitats. I am happy that Harriet was rescued, nice story. Take care, have a great day!

  6. Wow - she is a big girl and looks very sweet.

  7. In the midst of ongoing gloom and wars and rumours of wars, this is a welcome relief. Thank you, Harriet and thank you, YAM.

  8. Eagle owls, hunted to extinction in UK have been reintroduced in recent years. Perhaps there is a village somewhere in UK that might enjoy such distinction. Lucky Harriet that the locals respected and cared for her despite possibly being the ones who deforested her homeland.

  9. I love the photo, love the owl, love the story. so glad you shared this, it puts joy in my heart looking at Harriet. Love you Harriet. and thanks and blessings to the woman who saves the chicks.

  10. YAM what wonderful news about Harriet...amazing I had no idea the Giant Owls had such a long life span!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Wow! What a great story! XX from Perth!

  12. What a beautiful girl...her face is so very expressive!!

  13. What an interesting picture. Too bad Harriet had to be rescued because they cut down her forrest.

  14. Hello,
    I love Harriet, what an interesting story. This Giant Eagle Owl is new to me, I did not know they exist. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  15. How wonderful! That really is an amazing owl! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Hi Yam - how interesting ... I never got to Chivero ... it looks a fascinating place - I do hope they've managed to save the Bird Park after Covid ... desperate for sanctuaries like that one ... Harriet is amazing - cheers Hilary

  17. Didn't know these owls live so long.


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