What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoooorrrrrkkk! Another Set Of Twelve Ahead...

Crikey, someone put the brakes on the gyro, will they??!!! Here we are, landed into another set of twelve months. What will they hold? Well, as it says on the sidebar... that's the adventure, isn't it? 

Here's tae us wha's like us? Damn few, an' they're a' died...
(Scots toast)


  1. Wish you and yours a Happy new year!

  2. Your toast must be well known - this is the second blog I’ve seen it on today 😊
    Happy New Year to you and those you love…..all the way from Melbourne down under (where it is sunny dry and warm - for a change)

  3. Wishing you a new year of good health, opportunity to travel, enjoyment of the road, yarn for crafting, good books to read, and spiritual fulfilment. Lots of love from F and Mr B

  4. I LOVE THE TOAST! Made me laugh and i read it out loud twice. Hope you have a chance to make a few more adventures in the Big Gray

  5. A Very Happy Year, YAM. Time to get The Grey revved up for new adventures.

  6. Here's to more fun adventures! I am looking forward to your travels in the Grey! Happy New Year to you and your family, wishing you all the best in 2024!

  7. Happy New Year Greetings. Best wishes for 2024

  8. That is the adventure! Mind you I find going into town an adventure... Happy new year, YAM! XX

  9. Love that Scottish quote.
    I did not see how Mia gets to the top of the cabinets. I think Marlu said she jumps to the counter top by the fridge...then effortless launches her petite body up about 4'
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. That's quite some toast, as you may know, we have a simpler one in Sweden: skal, but with a round thingy above the a, to make a completely different sound. Happy New Year, Yam.

  11. Here's the a guid new year... here's tae us indeed!!!

  12. Happy New Year! Thank you for all the interesting, fun and beautiful posts you shared in 2023.


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