What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

Not much on offer today, just year end markers... Couried in to see the year turn, as the birds outside huddled against the weather (hard to tell, but that is a flight of Waxwings); pear and raspberry tart baked in the air fryer... and there was a smattering of snow for just one morning. Pretty and then gone...


  1. And so it begins. Happy new year, Yam.

  2. The first picture is so pretty and that tart looks absolutely delicious. I love waxwings. We occasionally see cedar waxwings here; always a special day when it happens.

  3. Beautiful captures all!
    Happy new year!

  4. Beautiful shots! Love the Christmas lights!

  5. Beautiful images, I love the first photo of the lights and the tart looks delicious. Have a great day and happy week!

  6. now i want a tart like yours. yumm. isn't it amazing how a strand of lights can make a room look cozy and amazing? I love that wall and as i sit here, i am looking at the nook. I took all the Chrismtas out, but left the little tree with just lights and the blue tree removed the ornaments. we love looking at just the lights. if i lived where you do, those light would remain there for all dreary days

    1. Hari Om
      Yes, I usually take all the decs down on the 6th, but I agree that the lights add something on these days that are never more than gloaming - so actually decided this morning that I would indeed keep them going at least until Feb! Yxx

  7. I would have been hard pressed to clinch the ID as Bohemian Waxwings, YAM, but I have enough confidence in your skill to accept it! All the best - David

  8. YAM wonderful happy fairy lights!! We have some on our mantel..very nice to have extra light in the winter.
    Hello Grey I guess this was your first snow.
    The tart looks amazingly delicious
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. The tart may deserve a post of it's own....I would love the recipe as I embark on a year of more fruits and veggies....BUT, it's the Grey in the Snow that grabbed my attention!

  10. My friends in Tacoma who have recently acquired an air frier are having great fun experimenting. We're all impressed by the pear and raspberry tart photo!

  11. That tart looks delish! We think you've gotten more snow than we have! Normally we would have had 30" by now but have only had a total of 8" officially where the records are measured (we've had less than that here).

  12. Send some of that snow over. It's getting too warm here.

  13. Pleased to see the Grey is still in the frame. Having resolved to finish work this year (and all the changes that will start to force on our lives) I find myself having small disruptions of being unsettled - have you been getting that while preparing to carve your way down to van life? My resolve (which is years old) to keep finding one thing every day to send permanently out of the the house is not producing the results one might have expected after about 6 years in practice (or we had more than I realized when I started - or there is stuff sneaking in through the back door). Clothes and shoes have been on a "one in one out" rule for over 6 years and I've got clothes down to a near minimum, but I look around and realize we are still way over supplied in so many other areas. When you have tried to live a 'no waste' life - throwing stuff you could use/craft with away hurts. How are you getting on with that?


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