What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Welcome back! This year, I am going to theme each month to a country and will tell why the country was picked on the first post of each one. However, there are four months that hold five Wednesdays in them. In those months, the first Menoizikul will be a 'left of field' offering - totally random. As it happens, January is the first 5xW month. Thus, we start with something that cannot fail to bring a smile and tickle your hearts! Tico has an almost perfect pitch. Where he's pitching is a little random, but that's okay, too.


  1. What a cute and fun video, love the parrot. Take care, have a great day!

  2. Will bring a smile to even the most jaundiced face!

  3. That was so entertaining and wonderful! Thank you!

  4. bob and i laughed all the way through. this is PRICELESS! it makes me feel happy. what a bird!!! i love the whistling he does.

  5. We prefer the birds singing to the guitar playing. BOL!

  6. OMBs Tico you are 87 kinds of adorable. I love how you pace picked up in time with the music
    Every now and then is sounded as if you were say Oh Me... LOVE IT
    I hope Tico will visit again
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Waiting for your posts on countries. In the meanwhile, that musician- duo is simply fun.

  8. What a Diva! We all had a good laugh at that - as in enjoyed Tico immensely.

  9. Tico was definitely born to rock!! Thanks so much for sharing!


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