What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Pet Blessings

Lacking any new shots of my own and, frankly, a little bored of trawling my archives over and over for Menoturals posts, I am now using some interesting images found elsewhere (with appropriate attribution, of course!). What caught my eye this week?

Hands up if you knew about Saint Anthony the Egyptian (aka Abed/Abbot/et al)? Interesting bloke when you start reading up on him. Anyhoo, among other facts, it was revealed to me this week that his feast day is January 17th and that he is the patron saint of domestic animals. Well, one of them; we all know about St Francis of Assisi, but there are also the saints Anthony of Padua, Cornelius and Roch, who are associated with animal care.

Anyhoo, in many Catholic countries, there are celebrations of the family pet and blessings made upon them on this feast day. Luckily, there were a lot of photographs from this week's blessings held in Mexico. I share one with you, which shows that not all pets appreciate the blessing... and then direct you to THIS LINK to see all the other equally joyful depictions.

It's begging for a caption, don't you think???

And it only remains to remind you that next week is the first Final Friday of the year - have you something to offer as a little extra special to share with us on that day? Have a think about it. If you are relatively new around here, you can read the purpose and 'how to' on the FFF Rulez page on the tab up top.


  1. “You’re not putting that anywhere near me”

  2. I'd never heard about St Anthony before, (Catholic saints not being one of my specialist subjects!). It didn't come as a surprise that pets get church blessings in Mexico. On both visits to that country, I was struck by the local fondness for their wee pups. The little fellow picture here definitely looks reluctant. Nobby sympathises and hope he got treats later.
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. This Antony is new to me.

    And the pic... He's not chuffed with the blessing.

  4. wow that was great to read about st. anthony. we sadly have no pet blessings... although we are a catholic area...

  5. That is funny, it is clear to see that dog does not like water. I have heard of the pet blessings. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  6. just an hour north of us, this past week, the Greek Orthodox Church had their annnual blessing of pets. This photo is pricless. just sat feeling good looking at it.. EEK! is that Water?

  7. forgot to say, i really like the new badge and CHICKENS???? ha ha ha

  8. Hahaha.. poor chappie wet blessings!

  9. Pardon any typos I've just returned from the eye doc. My eyes were dilated for the exam and are still returning to normal
    I do solove the Blessings of the Pets....
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I don't think he wants to get sprinkled on☺

  11. That's a funny picture. We would react the same way if someone wanted to sprinkle us with water.

  12. We all need a blessing, including our pets.

  13. "You don't even know what's in that thing! He could be trying to poison me!" Or "I'm made of sugar."

  14. It's a day of feast alright but not a feast of water for the doggie in the picture lol!

  15. Love the reaction in the photo! Pets ought to be blessed too. :D


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