What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.


You know it's cold when you go to the fridge and find yourself wanting to move in for the warmth...

I know there are plenty of you enduring lower temps - but this is a true rarity here by the Hutch. Even zero degrees and a frost is a rare sight. But this? At midday?? ...and cloudless skies??? Suffice it to say I am inside and wearing the three recently finished shawls, plus a silk scarf, thermal vest, and an alpaca knitted tabard (thanks, F!). Not to mention the double beanie, cowl, wrist warmers and mitts situation. 

All are working as required, and I am actually very cosy indeed!

'Sall I have for you today. The cold may have numbed the little greys...


  1. We started out at 8 degrees F (-13C) this morning and our high temp for the day was about -7C. No matter what the temps are if they are extreme for your home it's never any fun. The pups have to have booties put on whenever it gets lower than 15-20F to be able to be out long enough to do their business.

  2. 3 degrees F here at 9 this morning. Brrrrr.

  3. Do you have warm mittens? I love mine on a cold day. Here in the California mountains we are supposed to have winter weather, but no luck right now.

  4. -3 degree, Here In Assam 16 degree ( in my home town Abhayapuri ),
    Stay well.

  5. It's good to know that all your crochet work is being put to good use. More snow fell here in Aberdeen last night and I now have at least 6 inches in my back garden.
    Cheers, Gail.

  6. we have 11+ and -4 in a mix... a rollercoaster for the body... ugh

  7. Hi Yam - ah, ah ... just glad you're warm and well-wrapped up ... take care - nearly Spring! Just very happy I'm down here! Cheers Hilary

  8. Not Michelin Man..Michelin Yam!!

    1. Hari Om
      Yes! I nearly wrote that but wondered if anyone would know the reference... then again, most of us here are "of an age".............. Yxx

  9. Brutal temps are the worst! Stay warm YAM Auntie

  10. The weather forecast is calling for these cold temps to last until Tuesday. I hope it warms up sooner. It's too cold. Stay safe, warm and cozy. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. I just read this to Bob and he said to tell you , he was sitting on the sofa yesterday and his right hand got really cold, it was 71 f inside our house. this morning we are at 52 F/11C and that is cold to us. I am in a flannel gown and fluffy socks, with the heat running and the house is 71.. so sorry for all the cold, my son is in the negatives in Tenneseee and can't get to work because of ice. 3 days with no pay.. I love gz Michelin Yam.. too funny. hope it warms up soon. you are blessed to be so good at crocheting yourself for proper warmth

  12. You must barely be able to move! We are going through a cold snap here - minus 17 yesterday, but it happens every winter. I make sure that my bird feeders stay well stocked and I even set out cracked corn for the squirrels. We keep our house at 19 degrees during the day and 16 at night. We are cozy and comfy too.

  13. Goodness - do you have anything more you can add for the really cold days, or will you resort to the heating then?

    1. Hari Om
      ...more crochet, darling, many more stitches 😁 Yxx

  14. YAM thank goodness we aren't the only ones who was wearing extra layers yesterday when it was 19.
    WE both had on 2 bathrobes. B turned on the gas logs at 6am which helped to warm up the large area of the family room dining room and kitchen. PS too bad you didn't have a YAM CAM up you could have shown us how warm you were.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. I have been reading that it's been unusually cold. Even here, it's colder than last year. Of course, Bengaluru is not as bad as north India. Strangely, the weather in Kerala, which is to the south of Bengaluru, is already hot.

  16. I'm glad you're able to stay well bundled and warm. Not so cold on the extreme Northern California coast, just endless rain. But today only cloudy and I plan to work in the garden.

  17. It seems like this bone numbing cold is endless here. So ready for spring.


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