What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me...Not Today

I'm generally scheduled with posts as much as a fortnight ahead (and more in the case of the themed days). For some reason, I have a blank, and here I am the night before, wondering how to fill the blank. 

No worries, let's just drop a couple of crumbs and wish you a happy Friday...

First, have been beavering away at the Tunisian stitch project using the surprisingly delicious poly-yarn. There were six skeins per colour...the project has grown like topsy! I adored working on this stuff. Again, no pattern, making it up as I go along. Trusting the process. Following the hook. The garment was almost completed, and I wanted to add pockets... and hat... maybe some other bits. I am stymied as of the time of typing as the yarn ran out. Now I have to wait. I had already reordered a batch, and the app tells me it just cleared customs - if I'm lucky, it will be here by tomorrow. Maybe Monday. 

It might seem the wrong end of the year to be building such heavy-duty warm wear. However, winter does seem determined to linger, as it so often does in Fearburary and am willing to bet that when I get on the road, I will need all the crochet stuff on board!

And before you ask, yes, yarns and hooks will be riding along on the impending trip...

While working on the craft this week, I have been binging some more new podcasts... and I couldn't wait to share this one among you, my pet-loving readers. The program is from 2022, but it is a subject we are all aware of but perhaps don't know much about. It is sometimes thorough and challenging listening, but it is super important. I am sharing it with you via an equally important web page. While USA-focused, readers elsewhere should know that similar stuff is happening in the UK, Australia... anywhere there is a demand for puppies. I am going to count this as my "Menoturals" posting to share with the LLB gang and their Nature Friday blog hop (see the badge on the sidebar!) and invite those who feel awakened and informed by your listening to consider sharing it widely. Forewarned is forearmed, right? Click the image to go to the ADL web page, and you can listen to all episodes from there or select it from your chosen podcast platform.

Oh... and to end today, a reminder that next week is FFF time already!!!


  1. I do love the Tunisian stitch pattern. And thanks for the link to the puppy podcasts. Conversations with my friend Kirsty over the years have opened my eyes to the many and varied forms of criminality in the puppy business, I'm afraid.
    Hope the preparations for the trip are progressing well.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. we have our postie ready... have a good furryday and a good weekend

  3. It’s never a bad time to make warm clothing. This winter may be on its way out but another will take its place. And when I was last in Scotland - in August, mind you - it was very cold and damp. One day it only climbed to six degrees.

  4. Hello, Yam
    It is still cold enough here that we need the warm clothes. Your stitch pattern is so pretty. The puppy mill business is awful, I feel sorry for the dogs and their puppies. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I am thinking you will have need for the warm things you are creating for the next couple of months and of course next year. who knows, you might meet someone while touring the country who needs a sweater or hat. I did not listen to a pod, but followed the link and read through all the info that was reading on each one. Puppy mills are all over our country and the photos i saw of the horrors they live in have been all of our Florida news in the past few days. it is good to become aware of these things. thanks for the link..

  6. YAM if you had not told me I would never have knows this post was quickly prepared. WEll done.
    Very nice you have listening entertainment while crocheting. I can tell you trying to watch TV while crocheting is not a good idea
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Love your Tunisian stitch project. The colors and pattern are so pretty.

  8. The stitching looks fantastic and yes the puppy business is horrendous. We would never buy a pet - only have those that choose us, or seniors that that are facing long stays in a shelter.

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing your completed project!!

  10. Your crochet project is coming along nicely. I can't wait to see the completed project.

  11. We can always use warm clothing! All the best. XX


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